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During the mission The Pick Up, when you are escaping Royce’s men, you can find Brick. This guide on How To Free Brick In Cyberpunk 2077 will tell you how to complete the optional objective that is titled “find a way to free Brick”. After the deal with Royce’s men goes sour and you begin fleeing the combat, the second large room of combat has a single cell inside it. Inside the cell is Brick, the previous leader of the gang. If you approach his cell, you get this objective.
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Did you do this after you cleared the building?
what do i do if i dont have the ram ?
Hahaha……WTF ? I was looking around for a keycode….*FACEPALM* Damn….it's so simple now that I see you do it….Damn….I feel dumb
the code is in the laptop next to the room , 9691
in the messages
wheres the middle thumb? where is hack this in the mission? liked and kinda disliked it nahmean?!
900 IQ Confirmed 😉
I found a little remote on the right of the cell door. It had two options. Activate bomb or disarm bomb. I thought it would be nice to nuke the building, but instead I blew up poor little Brick. Sorry bro. I'll save you next time.
What happens if u free him
what will happen later on if you free brick?
I blew him up with a charge accidentally 😂😂
dont read this its a spoiler. but i completely forgot about this u end up running into brick and u r surrounded by malstrom goons and he basically has u covered u can even talk a little shit to him and he wont do anything lool
so he really helps you later or just vanish for the rest of entire game?
I can't find the cell. Going back through my saves, no idea how far back through the building to go, ugh.
Thxx bro
But WHERE is the question….
And the favor?? Where do you talk to him? Is there a mission?
I can't find a damn follow-up anywhere. .
Hmm maybe start where he was in the first place??????
What would be given?
If you still don’t know what brick helps you with later on he helps you in two different missions one is called second conflict that’s if you side with maelstrom normally it will be dum dum and Royce instead of Royce it’s brick and the other mission is when your trying to get Johnny’s band together for a gig he will keep the gang from seeking revenge if you killed Royce.
What happens if you escape with Royce and free brick? Who will be the leader of maelstrom
What mission is that?