How to fix Scan the bodies Bug Trevor's Last Ride Cyberpunk 2077

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How to fix Scan the bodies Bug Trevor’s Last Ride Cyberpunk 2077. Where is Cyberpunk 2077 Trevor’s Last Ride body location. You can fix Cyberpunk 2077 Scan the bodies to find Trevor Bug in Trevor’s Last Ride mission following this video guide. Cyberpunk 2077 is an action role-playing video game developed by CD Projekt Red.


33 thoughts on “How to fix Scan the bodies Bug Trevor's Last Ride Cyberpunk 2077”

  1. this is so fkn bugged. I found him right underneath the stairs outside. I could only see part of his legs next to the bags of trash.
    I couldn't even pick him up first coz I couldn't get there. This took me so fkn long to find and retrieve his body
    Really love this game but it's still so freakin bugged

  2. This mission is one of the most broken ones I’ve seen so far. It’s not a slight issue like something clipping or waiting forever for a phone call to come, it’s straight up unplayable for many people. This game is such a construction site. It’s practically an open beta…except we paid for it.

  3. I appreciate the effort. I encountered this while drunk last night and gave up after 15 or 20 minutes. Tried it sober today and still none of the tricks I've encountered online have worked. I hate that it's a Johnny Silverhand quest. Whatever.

  4. Just change the graphic settings to the lowest and reload the last save and search around the tub both inside and outside the building. Trevor body just couldn't be found on max graphic settings.

  5. Thank you! Worked like a charm. I was losing my shit trying to figure out why there were no bodies. Right before this glitch I also ran into some immortal Valentinos as well. Zero damage on whatever I did. I think my game is finally falling apart πŸ˜“

  6. Great vid! I thought I was going to have to miss out on closing all gigs because of this one.

    UPDATE: All you have to do is get up to the roof, make a manual save, and reload it. An enemy will be on the roof with you and fall dead like you just killed him. Run down to the objective marker, and Trevor will be there somewhere. He was on the floor next to the ice bath for me πŸ‘

  7. I found (after trying this and all the comments) that I still couldn't see the body but a scan would pick him up. Scanned slowly around the trash and he was glitched through the wall and showed up when the scan finished. With enough crouching and hopping glitches of my own I managed to squeeze back there to trigger picking up the body

  8. I send the body, the mission complete thing comes up, 5 seconds later Dakota texts me and she's pissed off and all of a sudden I fail the mission.

    To be fair, all my Dakota missions were bugged ever since entering the Badlands with Panam and I get calls from the previous gig at my current gig.

  9. Got some different problem, the body is always been there for me, but scanning simply does nothing, so quest stucks at "Find Trevor's body" point with no progress. Amazing.


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