Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜
The new Cyberpunk 2077 expansion Phantom Liberty not only offers a brand new area of Night City and story starring Idris Elba, but completely revamps the base game. Alongside a look at brand-new gameplay we talk to the team from CD Projekt Red to get all the exciting new details of what to expect when Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty launches on September 26th 2023.
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Presented by Immortals of Aveum
#IGN #Gaming #CyberPunk2077
Preorder made (PC version) 🤩, base game was amazing, can't wait to jump in again ❤
If they are so confident how about releasing a complete edition on PS5 and Xbox Series X physically. And this time make damn sure that it runs properly for everyone who hands over their hard earned money and invests their precious time
So glad to see this game making such an incredible comeback
Stella looking like a lil Muscle Mommy now👀
What about the police chase system update????
Saśko ty zakłamana szujo!
im dying to play this expansion!
This is so cool. Love that the devs didn't give up on cyberpunk and went on to give it more content
the game never caught me. never played through it. maybe dlc is worth watching
If they keep the NPC the same – lifeless, horrible interactions (random dialogue when pressing talk) and horrible death animations and no gore, easily skipping this one. It's crazy such a large part of an open world was so half assed.
a baddie 🥵
Pawel is INTENSE.
I‘m so Hyped for This Expansion.
Polish games is the best. Pozdrawiam.
Gabe and Pawel are awesome <3
Damn, Gabe looks a lot alike Gary Sinise.
Great interview, thank you
Definitely starting a fresh playthrough when this launches cant wait !
It’s such a great game… a bad launch ruined what could have been but it’s legit one of my favs of the last few years. Can’t wait to reunite with V and Johnny!!
They need to fix an annoying bug thats huge for me on this game; when you step on little objects in this game, your character goes over it and it spoils my Stealth approach. SO ANNOYING
Imagine this was the original release, rather than an update
we need Elba an Keanu in a movie 2024
im trying not to get hyped, they literally stole my 100$ with broken game at launch
but if they can deliver, that might be a bitter sweet comeback
"How Phantom Liberty aims to deliver on the empty promise of Cyberpunk". Fixed it
I'm hoping they give us new game plus 🫴🫴🥹
Can't wait to see the Crowbcat video on Phantom Liberty.
It’s one of the best games I’ve played. Love cyberpunk
i've never been hyped for an expansion!. Even tho this should of been in the default game its still appreciated
love to see the enthusiasm for what they’ve built
I’m going to be so mad if we can’t save V’s life because Panam is expecting him home for dinner they have a clan to run
Way too stoked for this.