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Hacking Training Tutorial Cyberpunk 2077 Practice Makes Perfect tutorial mission quest video. This video shows how to complete Hacking Training Cyberpunk 2077 Practice Makes Perfect mission.
Complete all training modules 1/4
Open the Scanner
Scan two such objects
Use the TV screen to distract your enemy
Hacking Ping
Hacking Distract enemy
Elimitate the guard
hide the body
take down the guard and hide the body
take control of the camera
Use Breach protocol on one of the guards
Lethal quickhacks Detonate grenade
Cyberpunk 2077 is a 2020 action role-playing video game developed and published by CD Projekt and available on PlayStation 5, Stadia, Windows, Xbox Series X/S. #Cyberpunk2077
People are going to be passed on console when they have to wait for thst darn jack to happen .
I've knocked this guard out 100 times fookin pissed off
This tutorial is so bad it's almost stupid, they should've said get really close to the enemy grab them by press f etc. Anyway thanks for the guide.
This might actually be one of the worst tutorials I've ever seen in a video game. It ranks up their Randy's Fart Tutorial from South Park for worst instructions in a game. How about next time, they actually explain what the fuck to do, and give us more than a nanosecond to sneak kill the guy. This is supposed to be a tutorial after all.
Fucking worst tutorial ever. Unbeatable
I thought I was the only one stuck on this part, I had to retry 12 times already. Thanks for the video!
this was f'ing annoying, rage quit already, not a good sign
How do you sneak up and kill on a ps4 ?
Help. I keep getting insufficient ram for either ping or distract enemies. Hence, I can't proceed
Spent 25 mins on it, finally quit and reentered. Try that if youre still stuck, the bloody F key finally showed up after crouching and following him after a restart
what button is it for xbox ??
How the heck can you not find this issue when initial testing? THere is no info that you should use the damn F key to get by this!
playing on easy to get a feel of the game guard turns around every fucking time nice cyberpunk you did it
lol I thought I was stuck at the "turn your hacker on the camera" section. Turns out, I was, scene had rendered above 2 feet and I couldn't get a clear view of the camera
I was expecting something more then the in-game tutorial. I'm looking for information like when you hack a terminal and the 3 options are extract small moderate or large…. Is it best to go for large only or would small and moderate together give you more rewarding results?
Lmao thank god I wasn't the only one that kept failing this part of the tutorial… after knocking him endlessly.
Is it bad I got stuck this early on?
Her Commentary is completely nearly useless they must have been paying the voice actress per word….
I’ve found the solution. Crouch and when near the enemy press F
I hate Hacking in this Game it's buggy and dumb i restarted my Game 5 Times because i couldn't detonate the Fucking Bomb
thanks for the vid. literally pissed me off, been trying more than 20 times….
I'm stuck and I'm on Stadia. What's the equivalent to the F button, does anyone know?
what a great game , u need a tutorial to pass the game's tut after 10 tries
A summary of comment replies, if you are stuck on "take him out quietly"
1. crouch down and approach the guard stealthily
2. when you are close enough without exposure, "Interact" with the guard (you should see further instructions, too)
– PC: F / PS4: 口 (Square) / Xbox: X
P.S. I only tried on PS4
For Stadia, you stealth with B then approach behind the guard. Then X to attack quietly, i.e. lock his head.
I kept punching him for more than 10 attempts 😅
F on PC everyone lol
so far this toturial has frozen crashed, been kind of lame, or just not work and yeah when it finally did…sneak up and–ok wait what do I do. after 10 fucking years in development hell. They mised that, and why make hacking feel lame and underwhelming?
My game will not let me scan to take control of the camera
My stay in Night City won't be too fun if I have keep going to Youtubes just to get through the tutorials. Sheesh.
This is the first time I've never been able to complete a tutorial from a video game! I want my money back!
Worst game I've ever played in my life. I absolutely loved the first one, but this game has the worst controls of any video game I've ever played in my life by !!!!!!!!!!!
So how to take him out?
So glad I'm not the only one who got stuck on this. Tried about 15 times by just knocking him out before I got the shits and looked on YouTube for help. Thank you!
i am using an xbox controller and keys will not bind for a controller
IE i need to crouch to sneak up on a guard and prompt said crouch with "B".But NOPE.So i went into settings and tried to bind the key,but it nor any key on a controller will bind.Its near impossible for me to crouch with IE the mouse or keyboard and use a controller at same time
Plz advise
I get stuck on this part ☺ haven't got through to the game thick r what ric flair woooooo watching too many ric flair funny promod
i want my money back i tried K&M and controller on PC.
I cant scan? I walk up to the window and nothing changes, I can't scan, I can't get through or around?? I'm so confused what I'm supposed to do??
" FluXMud.Quest "
" FluXMud.Quest "
" FluXMud.Quest "
OMG, EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- 💜 Modz.Bar 💜
Most asinine training section EVER! Why doesn't the note stay on screen longer?
If I have to go through this much BS just to get by a Tutorial???
Three more tries, that’s it!
Refund..,sorry Cyberpunk git ur SH#T together.,.,Really you guys out-thought yourselves
My cash is good elsewhere $$
Three tries…no more
Behaviour here is erratic nonsense, one shouldn't upload that, let alone have others pretend it's representative of anything.
To clarify, press b to go into Crouch mode, stealthily sneak up to him, and then there's a small line that says hit x. I'm using stadia controller. And then you have to press the x again to snap. If you are not crouching, by clicking b wants, not by holding b it will not give you the stealth kill option.
it would help if i knew what the hell ur supposed to do.