This is song is so clever. It's a dystopian love song for a dystopian world. An angelic, soft voice cooooooing to her abusive partner to make the abuse so horrible that killing her self is the best decision, her desire.
I'm a classic rock dude and a life long gamer. The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac. Never heard a Grimes song until CyberPunk 2077. Now I'm searching her catalogue daily. This song, just like CyberPunk 2077, has become one of my favorite pieces of artistic media ever.
One of my favorite games of all time.
I love how gamers and indie/alt/hyperpop fans are coming together to appreciate this song!
Car + Badland + Night + This song = Perfection
This is what my depression sounds like
Wow…. touches heart…
Elon musk a lucky guy
This is song is so clever. It's a dystopian love song for a dystopian world.
An angelic, soft voice cooooooing to her abusive partner to make the abuse so horrible that killing her self is the best decision, her desire.
Can anyone tell me what in-game station this is on? I've been playing for months and somehow I've never heard this!
I'm a classic rock dude and a life long gamer. The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac. Never heard a Grimes song until CyberPunk 2077. Now I'm searching her catalogue daily. This song, just like CyberPunk 2077, has become one of my favorite pieces of artistic media ever.
The 'Sorry I don't make it easy' line makes me feel things
best song in the entire game by a mile for me.
Is it weird how much this song reminds me of Inner Universe from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex?
I'm so glad that I discovered this song through the game cause I just love the song so much
Best Music for Chill 🎶
my favourite song❤️😍
I thought Night City was my fav track from Cyberpunk… until I heard this masterpiece. Here I go, drifting into the future.
Great marketing oportunity: Have grimes make an online concert as lizzy wizzy, with full chrome makeup and all.
I love the Grimes also plays Lizzy Wizzy in Cyberpunk 😩🙏🏽❤️
You know she's from the future when she named her kid æß뜣
this song gave me an adult swim show "final space" vibe to it…
Hate it sm
Samuraie is real music
This game sucked, but this song saved it from being a total disaster.
I can't express how I feel listening to this song, Unimaginable
Can't understand a single word but sounds nice lol
Came here because of Elon, stayed because of music.