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Dunno why but I felt like trying to see if it was possible now to get back into V’s Mansion on console, and it turns out that it is! So, I’m super excited to share this video. As always thanks for watching, more videos coming soon. Remember to be safe and be good.
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00:00 – 01:35 Climbing up the Mega-building
01:36 – 2:10 Clearing the Gap
02:11 – 05:10 Setting up the bikes
05:40 – 05:45 We’re In!
05:46 – 07:34 Exploring
08:10 – 08:20 Easy Way Down
08:21 – Ending the Video
#gaming #cyberpunk2077 #phantomliberty
Awesome! Love doing stuff like this. Also do you know you can hit "Q" (think its right on D-Pad) while controlling a vehicle to toggle into 3rd person. Just as if you were driving.
I used scorpions bike and silver hands car
I don't know if things changed in 2.01 but don't take the clothes in the bedroom or you'll have to go to the Afterlife naked if you got the ending that puts you in the mansion. It's been a while since I did the Sun ending, not sure if they still strip you of all your belongings.
Thanks for sharing. I followed all the steps correctly but in the end I couldn't control the bike through the glass door. Why…
ahh so thats how the bike trick works 👌
I have a question how do you know its v's manision
funny because that's a mod there's a player home mod it's not in the base game and never has been. what happens to the YouTuber who lies the same what happened to the boy who cried Wolf. you can get community made mods on steam and you'll find the mansion. and you find it on the Nexus. nice try stop lying
I don't know why people fall for it because it is the penthouse you use at the end if you choose the corporate life path and you go to the moon Palace you spend a night in the penthouse. this is 100% a mod for replica of The penthouse😎🎤💥
Thank you for this, the clothing looks so good !
I know it's not much but is there a reason you can't change camera when controlling the bike? I know you can on PC with K&M
Much easier way than most of the other ways 💯💯.
don't forget to mention that players need the carhacker perk unlocked under the intelligence tree, it's a basic level skill so all they need to do is reallocate one perk point to do it then change it back.
How to do it with one bike?
This video is convoluted
how do you create your fem v she looks like the e3 original
So can you do this and loot all the stuff near(ish) the beginning of the game?
7:03 ( in the corner, by the window) Is that a dildo?
Amazing guide! Just kinda sucks that you have to wait until Scorpions death to get the clothes
Imma need that other way out video kind sir.
cant make the jump to save my life
BEFORE ANYBODY DOES THIS! DO NOT grab the jacket from the bathroom. if you do you will not be to finish the story with rogues storyline. You need to grab the jacket to progress and if you grabbed it before you cannot go further.
Fantastic video, man. Really quick and easy.
Why isn't this a purchasable house!?
Try to find a way to get back into the somewhat damage building for missed blueprints/weapons
I hate how I did the ending, but they don’t give the clothing
See if it’ll work with the all foods plant my dumbass forgot to grab Royce’s gun and need a way to glitch back in cuz that useless black market vendor doesn’t sell it for me
So I’ve got a few things if anyone was wondering.
If you can’t control the vehicle stand somewhere you can call a vehicle and it should work
Also you only need one bike as I was able to eject myself off the seat by the door and go outside no problem.
Then falling all the way down on any bike does no damage to you or the bike
You can also use a bike to launch yourself to the mansion without jumping as there’s a spot on the ledge that allows you to spawn a vehicle.
wow the new way to the top of the building is so much simple now. Remember you have to pull off some crazy "slow mo boost" jump before.
So I’m doing the exact steps you show here in the video to get into the mansion but for whatever reason it doesn’t let me control the bike inside the mansion at all even with all the peek points I put into intelligence for quick hacks