Game Porting Toolkit: Cyberpunk 2077 on M2 Max 14" Macbook Pro June 7, 2023 by UncleJimmy Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜ source
Is Game Porting Toolkit available only for apple silicon based mac or on intel too? I couldn't find any information about it anywhere Reply
Looks great! Apple gaming future looks bright, and M3 is expected to have hardware ray tracing. Reply
Is it possible to attain 60fps? I noticed that you were running on high, is there CPU headroom or are you bottlenecked at that point? Reply
gah dayum noice 40-50 fps. Things will just go uphill now I hope
Is Game Porting Toolkit available only for apple silicon based mac or on intel too? I couldn't find any information about it anywhere
W hat do you use for the stats on the top right
please test bf 2042
1512×982? Hows that res look on your M2?
Looks great! Apple gaming future looks bright, and M3 is expected to have hardware ray tracing.
please test m1 air, 2k/4k minimal setting ?
Is it possible to attain 60fps? I noticed that you were running on high, is there CPU headroom or are you bottlenecked at that point?
so excited for the future of MacOS gaming.. looking forward to not needing 2 computers
Please maje a tutorial
Please make a tutorial
please test GTA 5 on base m1
How are the thermals? Mac pros should handle it but what about the air.