Fun Things To Do in Cyberpunk 2077 Free Roam – Parkour, Secret Locations, Stunts, Cyberware & More!

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Fun things to do in cyberpunk 2077 free roam ps4 xbox one pc ps5 xbox series x – parkour, stunts, secrets, best cyberware weapons and secret locations and more free roam gameplay base ps4 xbox one plus pc, ps5, xbox series x! Things to do in cyberpunk 2077 when you’re bored in free roam 2021 on ps4, ps5, xbox one, xbox series x, pc after you beat the game or main story. CD Projekt Red cyberpunk 2077 free roam side activities, fun things to do, easter eggs and secret locations, parkour and stunts in cyberpunk 2077, best cyberware for free in cyberpunk 2077 ps4, xbox one, xbox series x, ps5, pc. patch 1.06 new update and 1.05

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Fun things to do in cyberpunk 2077 when youre bored in free roam like parkour, secret locations, stunts, cyberware and more after patch 1.06 and 1.05

Cyberpunk 2077 update 1.06 free roam gameplay


31 thoughts on “Fun Things To Do in Cyberpunk 2077 Free Roam – Parkour, Secret Locations, Stunts, Cyberware & More!”

  1. agree night city is beautiful shame the game was hand hold type of game do this do that repeat , the devs lack vision made the game 80% johny 20% V and it almost like a movie … i mean F*$# off johny let us play the game will you

  2. I feel like free roam and side activities went out the door in favor of rushing the game release, just like choices with consequences etc. The template is there, so there's hope we'll get more things to do once the development is finished and the patches released.

  3. I think this is a fresh, thoughtful attitude. Open games depend on YOU to make the fun.

    I understand people on consoles have had issues, but I've put in over 200 hrs without a single hiccup on the PC. I have a decent rig, so that definitely helps. Have fun.

  4. I envy you for playing the last gen version(assuming ur playing on a base Xbox one or one s) because I put like 10 hours in on my base Xbox and couldn't play anymore. I just couldn't stand it. I'm waiting to play until I can get a series x.

  5. I’d love a hoverboard and the option to try on clothes before buying at the shops, sit down at cafes/bars/side street shops to order food and eat proper meals like the scene with Jackie eating noodles at the start.. being able to take our partners on dates and go dancing. There’s so much potential I’m so shocked how empty the game is when you look past the pretty surface level

  6. I bought cyberpunk today for my Xbox series X I didn’t know that it wasn’t updated for series X/S yet really can’t wait till they update it for next gen graphics this year.

  7. My dude, either use the cannon arm, or the laser grenades. Those are waaaaay more fun than anything else that fits in the slot. I even recommend finding the Militech Incendiary Round for the arm, because it homes in on targets, explodes, and causes fire damage.

    Edit: I should add that I also use parkour to get everywhere that I can. My build isn’t even focused on body stats.

  8. I have a thing you could do, grab your fastest car, go to the oil fields, and set a fast travel point to the border crossing, start a timer, and see how fast you can cross night city. Some rules to make it more challenging could be something like following traffic laws, not damaging your car, etc. my personal best is 9:52.14 minutes. If you decide to do this tell me what you got.

  9. Great game, having so much fun on ps5. They do need to add a bunch more stuff to make it reach its potential though; new game+, transmog, more interaction animation, play arcade machines, etc


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