Firearms Expert REACTS to Cyberpunk 2077

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Join us for an in-depth review of Cyberpunk 2077’s weapons, featuring former US Army Infantryman Paul Meixner. With Paul’s military background, you’ll gain expert insights into weapon design, performance, and tactical tips.

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Gun Expert REACTS to Cyberpunk 2077


26 thoughts on “Firearms Expert REACTS to Cyberpunk 2077”

  1. What does he think about double barrel over under tactical shotguns? That comment he made about modern mixed with future is pretty dead on. They didn't give him any info about each weapon type though, that was the only unfortunate thing about the video

  2. "anything electronic can be hacked" i mean, this is the universe where you can literally hack directly into people's brains, so yeah a hackable gun checks out. (there's even a "weapon malfunction" quickhack that disables enemy weapons temporarily)

  3. The first gun, Skippy, is a smart gun. Not only does Skippy talk to you but as with all smart guns (talking or not) all you have to do is get a target in the box and it will lock on and send bullets capable of changing their trajectory to follow the target. This actually exists irl but is not as good as the game. IRL the bullets change directions using centripetal force, it has some sort of servo that spins the bullet when it needs to change directions.

  4. Did no one think to explain any of the weapons to him? Feel like he's getting ripped off without having at least the different catagories explained to him.

    Power: Power weapons have a special effect that gives bullets a chance to ricochet off hard surfaces

    Smart: These weapons have an effect that allows the bullets to lock onto targets using a form of tracking gyrojet projectiles, allowing the shooter to fire around corners and cover.

    Tech: The special effect of this type of gun is that it shoots hypervelocity bullets that can go through objects, hitting those who are behind cover.

  5. Fingerprint scanners on gun grips is a dumb idea in an era where our finger print locks on our phones barely work that well. Just can't help but notice the smart gun can somehow magically fire when he doesn't even have his finger on the trigger. I would say that's a serious defect and they should probably recall those. 😂

  6. For the guy in the video the SMART weapons use a LINK that imbedded into your hand that connects back to your brain and central OS and provided additional data on your eye implants it's hard linked pretty critically to your vitals the only deturant to the shots is a sort of time dilation (speed boost) that out smarts the shots for short time.

  7. Having a fingerprint security update mid gun fight would suck.
    Though dunno if that is worst than a satelite range finder update for a sniper scope once the Go signal to fire was given.

  8. The weapons that the player wasn’t really using the sights with were smart weapons. They essentially fire target-seeking rounds. Meanwhile, the guns that you kept referring to as ‘energy weapons’ were in fact tech weapons. They still fire conventional projectiles, but they incorporate magnetic acceleration to propel them faster and give them better penetration.

    Also, that’s interesting about pump-Action shotguns (and presumably semi-auto shotguns by extension) not being legal in Australia. We’ve got weird (and in my opinion, dumb) gun laws here in Canada too. No Kalashnikov based firearms, because the AK looks scary and is a stereotypical “bad guy gun”. Also, in recent years my province made AR-15s and other similar semi-automatic rifles illegal. Which I’m still pissed about. I hope that sometime in the future after I’ve gotten my firearms license that they’ll reverse that moronic decision so I can snap one up before some tard decides to try and make them illegal again. 😒

  9. basically, Smart Guns shoot Micro-Missle's with Guided Munitions.

    Tech Weapons are (In most cases) Smaller Railguns. The can be charged and pierce Almost all forms of cover and armor.

    Power Weapons are simple ballistic weapons Usually Very Large calibers. Although With certain Cyberware you can Somehow makes shots Richochet. I think there is probably advanced ballistics software your able to Intuit bullet trajectory.

  10. these weapons need more context to properly talk about


    Power weapons are conventional firearms, in the sense that they use traditional ammo, calibers and cartridges. This category includes a wide variety of weapons including disposable and single-use polymer guns, revolvers, pistols, SMGs, machine guns, shotguns and rifles. High rate of fire accompanied by high recoil is a feature of most fully automatic power weapons.

    Bullets from Power weapons have a chance to ricochet off hard surfaces. This chance can be improved by using a Ballistic Coprocessor . The ricochet travel line can be made visible with the perk Draw the Line. Most Power weapons have a muzzle slot and a scope slot for custom sights.


    Smart weapons use gyrojet technology to fire caseless guided ammo at enemies. This technology was first developed in the 1960s, but was unreliable during combat. In 2077, they are efficient and pin-point accurate. Smart weapons are tied to weapon grips and optics to accurately scan and track the movement of targets.[1]

    Smart weapons aim for the wielder by using smart rounds that lock on and seek out their targets, though they need to be within the weapons's tracking box. Smart bullets can curve around obstacles to hit their target, but travel slower than conventional bullets. The Smart Link cyberware is required to enable smart-targeting, with better quality Smart Links improving the tracking ability of the gun, as hits are not always guaranteed. Members of the Tyger Claws gang use a dermal imprint that jams the smart-targeting ability, reducing their chance to hit. Smart weapons do not accept either suppressors or scopes.


    Tech weapons are weapons that use railgun technology, firing projectiles that are propelled with an electromagnetic charge. What they give up in terms of rate of fire they make up for in penetrating power, depending on how long the charge is held. These weapons use caseless ammunition, typically jacketed steel flechette.

    Tech weapons can be charged to fire a bullet capable of penetrating obstacles. Tech weapons cannot be fitted with a suppressor, but most of them accept a custom sight.

  11. As Jonathan Ferguson correctly pointed out, the Achilles fires multiple projectiles at once. And those parts that move up and down when aiming are some of the barrels. When hip-firing they are moved outwards, and when aiming they move closer together. When you shoot at a wall you can even see the different holes and pattern depending on how you shot. When aiming it fires a close grouping to cause massive damage to a point, when hip-firing it creates a more spread pattern, similar to a shotgun.

  12. Tech weapons are guns that charge shots can even penetrate through walls. Smart weapons can lock on to people and hit them even behind cover, they can lock based on persons eyesight. Power weapons are normal weapons but higher caliber since it’s in the future

  13. I should mention that some of the charged Weaponry that you see where it's has moving Parts on the outside of the barrel those are using railgun coils to heighten the velocity of their projectiles

  14. This dude has surface level firearms knowledge and barely any charisma to back it up lmao. Why did you even bother posting this.

    Also nearly 50k views with barely 100 comments? Kinda sketch ngl


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