FINALLY! Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.6. Incoming! New Event Announced!

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CDPR has officially announced a new Night City Wire featuring Cyberpunk Edgerunners and the future of Cyberpunk 2077, most likely including information on Patch 1.6. or 1.8. (depends how they call it).

Keep in mind, I won’t be able to stream this since I am on vacation, but I will be back the day after with the video and stream.

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LastKnownMeal, 2022.


39 thoughts on “FINALLY! Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.6. Incoming! New Event Announced!”

  1. There is more info about the stream on Steam Community Hub:

    We’ll start with an about 23-minute long special episode of Night City Wire, with Paweł Burza joined by Bartosz Sztybor, one of the creators of Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, and Gabriel Amatangelo, Game Director of Cyberpunk 2077. We’ll talk all things Cyberpunk — Edgerunners, upcoming patch and what’s in store for the game in the future!
    Right after Night City Wire we’ll switch to Amelia Kołat and Alicja Kozera for REDstreams #3, where together with Patrick Mills, our Franchise and Lore Designer, and Miles Tost, our Senior Level Designer, they’ll showcase a deep dive into selected features from the upcoming patch.


  2. I'm actually not hyped or excited for this patch. The expansion is probabley, hopefully brings the new content and all the shit fans been asking for or expecting since day one… Simple open world features that damn near every other open world game been had. This patch will be mostly be more small quality of life fixes and maybe some more secrets and hinden stuff though out the map.

  3. If they add stuff from edge runners they can possibly add new cyberware as seen in the show. I think they want people to watch the show and if they become fans but neve played the game atleast have some fan-service available.

  4. Very small, but I’m hoping for some NPC clothing/cyberware that we can use. It’s a shame seeing these NPCs and Characters having cool looking clothing and cyberware that’re cooler than anything that we have access to. Luckily, I’m pretty sure we’re gonna get a Transmog system, which at least helps a little bit.

  5. Thx for the update LKM.
    I’m on series x myself n miss out on the helpful mods but
    Good news on the patch and like you said you called it, makes sense that they would release it around the same time as the anime when you think about it previous experience with Netflix Witcher and how that also affected Witcher three. With that said, We all know it’s going to be just some more improvements, maybe they’ll throw in a new gig or two, The trans mark thing maybe but no substantial changes or what new content. Needless to say, more fixes are good or improvements on mechanics, however it’s still the same game with the same progression and the same world that is pretty but empty…

    Not really too concerned with coming back to the game until the new expansion next year. Maybe with new game plus mode if they do that I might, but again , everything is still going to be the same overall … so meh.

    Anyway , hate Netflix but excited for edge runners. I think you’re going to get the truest most genuine sense of cyber punk as a world and with the inhabitants in it from this anime more than anything else. I wish we could’ve got that from the game, or preceded more in that direction which I also think was the intention. But red engine had found its limitations and more importantly a 2020 deadline was approaching so decisions have to be made up, unbeknownst to us of course. Given more time or better yet, unreal engine… I think the game would have been more in line with the immersion framework that CD PR knows well from their Witcher franchise and feel more like edge runners. But hey, at least edge runners will show all the potential of what this world is and how it should feel👍

    Have a great vacation bro

  6. As far as I remember, most major patches did actually release just after the stream. As usual, I have a feeling the patch will be gigantic, and they'll showcase some of the more important features, maybe like a handful of cool additions, and people will think that's all there is to the patch and rage in the comments only to be smacked by a wall of new features and fixes in the Patch Notes just minutes after xD Gotta love the CP community and the tension sometimes… haha!

  7. Also, one thing I requested to Pawel Sasko months ago was the appearance implementation of classic Male V from the E3 2019 Cinematic Trailer. He said he'll relay that information to the right people at CDPR. I hope Patch 1.6 will deliver that… I always loved original male V ever since we saw him. Ahh, I can only hope 😉

  8. Plot twist would be interesting if they are adding JUST transmog and 2 3 weapons, and fanboys gonna lose their mind talking how much this patch improved the game and added a lot to play it again 😀
    But actual twist would be if they actually would add NG+ to finally have a reason to play it again 😀

  9. i don't give two shit about the anime, because i can't play anime. i want the game to be better, stop wasting precious time on anime, CDPR is a game developer, not an anime studio.
    2 and a half year after release, NPCs in Night City still don't know how to drive, still stuck behind a player's car for eternity. still stop in front of green light for no reason, still stop in the middle of the road for no reason when there is not a single car in front of them.
    2 and a half year after release, NPCs still don't know how to run away from a fight scene, they still just run 10 steps and then tuck under somewhere, many times they don't even tuck behind covers.
    AI in this game is still terrible.


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