Finale | R.I.P. Cyberpunk 2077 | A Great Ending to Our Blind Playthrough | PS5 4K (Upscaled)

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I really loved the ending, it was beautifully done and had a great story. Despite feeling that the game had so much unfulfilled potential, I genuinely enjoyed it. The ending was well done and the final chapter was action packed and balanced with impact. It really did feel rewarding enough for me.
Thanks for everyone who stopped by for the playthrough. ❀️


38 thoughts on “Finale | R.I.P. Cyberpunk 2077 | A Great Ending to Our Blind Playthrough | PS5 4K (Upscaled)”

  1. Hey Sarah, I’m new to your channel and I’ve really enjoyed watching your videos. It’s awesome seeing your genuine and fun reactions to these great games. Particularly Cyberpunk which I recently finished and really enjoyed πŸ™‚

  2. If you would had manage to get 70% on Johnny's % thingy before start the endin mission, then at Mikoshi the dialogue beetwen you and him is more "nicer" (he sais stuffs like he is sorry about Saul's Death, or before you get into the well you can have few more lines of dialogues). Sadly is hard af to get the 70 on first playtrough because you had to pick very certain choices of dialogues when talkin to him during the game (pretty much during that dialogue with him on his "graveyard"). I had to google on my second playtrough for be able to get the right choices or no way i would had pick the good ones lol. That final dialogue anyway is not that drastically different and the outcomes are the same, but i personally felt better.

  3. Panam's ending is the happiest in my opinion, however Hanako ending really makes you feel the weight of your choice, if you have time or you are curious you could try it once or just google it. I feel like that endin is the most "dark" , and the one that gave me more goosebumps

  4. Appreciate all the support through this particular playthrough despite all the issues and waning popularity of the game. Still had fun playing it and I know there are a lot of you who still appreciated and loved this game too. ❀️

  5. This ending makes more sense with male V, cause male V can romance Panam
    tbh tho, I feel like the ending that make sense is the suicide ending. no one should die for V to live another six month. To me that's the best ending. It's sad and depressing and you got to see everyone reaction to V suicide badly, but it feels real.

  6. I fucking love wither 3. Beat that game at least 5 times and still playing it on switch. but that game is really fucking long and I don't really recommend it.
    Great fucking game, hook on it first hour in. Really complicated tho, it's like game of throne complicated. And the best part of the game is the side quest so it's really time consuming.

  7. LOL! 1:59:46 scared the crap outta me. But also, I'm so glad you played through this game the way you did. It really showed that you got to experience the game for what it is, and you didn't just dismiss it as a buggy game like many other people. I'll always remember Judy and Panam. Thank you for the journey, Sarah.

  8. Yo nice one you got the best ending, I stopped playing this like 20% in as I got lazy so just ended up watching someone on YouTube playthrough it and it happened to be you lol πŸ”₯

  9. I actually loved this game, flaws and all. It had me invested in the world it created, the city and the characters, for a good month or so! Thanks again for all your time and effort in this series, and can't wait to see what comes next!

  10. I've been waiting for this to get posted. I'm glad you went down this route after we spoke during the Judy episode. I legit was asking the same where's Judy questions to. Then when Panam said someone was waiting. I was like JUDY! plus they hint at taking the leave out of night city ending with her. The jaw drop during her holo call in the ending was hilarious and plus how v cut's her off right before she musters up the courage to tell you she loves you. You should have checked the phone during the johnny ending to see the messages from all your friends trying to reach out to you and him not replying at all. Out of curiousity did you see the go with rouge ending or read about it?

  11. Hey, nothing wrong with a girl-crush πŸ™‚
    I thing that if you don't choose the nomad ending you never should get together with Judy, let her leave the city. Any other way V screws her over terribly. πŸ™ Of course it can't be known beforehand… evil game πŸ™‚
    Nomad ending is the best ending. Yeah it still has some shadows overhead but this is cyberpunk not some happy fairytale, no real happy endings ever. For nobody πŸ™‚ And with that in mind, that ending is pretty much the best one possible.

  12. Thanks for your play through Sarah. Thought you gave up on CP2077 been a while since last upload. I saw your previous episode for Judy romance, you Adam Smashed her lol.


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