Felicia Day plays Cyberpunk 2077! Part 1! NSFW CHARACTER CREATION!

Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜ https://cyberpunk2077.mgn.tv

My play-through of Cyberpunk 2077! Note: Portions of the stream were edited for YouTube. For the unedited stream, you can watch on Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/videos/837127080. Original air-date: December 11th 2020. Check out my Discord at https://discord.gg/feliciaday β€” Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/feliciaday


20 thoughts on “Felicia Day plays Cyberpunk 2077! Part 1! NSFW CHARACTER CREATION!”

  1. This was an amazing game which obviously had a LOT of effort put into it, but somewhere along the way the guys responsible for the open world element dropped the ball REAL BAD. Story, acting, cut scenes, music all 10/10. Open world action, car driving, crafting, character creation.. some of the graphics… the choice to go full first person instead of third? All lousy. All the things that should be in the game (see GTA, Just Cause, Far Cry) and aren't? What an absolute tragedy. It could have been legendary… but now, now it will just fade away. If I was someone who had worked on the good things, I would be gutted. Good luck, focus on the story and you should love it!

  2. Hi Felicia, I'm a 52 year old transwoman so thanks for being mindful of trans folk. However, I've been playing Cyberpunk 2020 ttrpg for 30 years. It's just Night City. It's a sleazy place. Context is king, I think. Night city shows you what a corrupt and nasty place it is and how it chews up hope. Mike Pondsmith (the games creator) is not bigoted in any way and gave the players a chance to rectify such bigotry in-game x

  3. I don't understand the issue with this game and the Trans community. There is a prominent trans character in the game. You run several missions with them. They talk to you about their husband. You console the character over their loss. This game treats trans people just like any other people in the game. Exploited? Yes, just like everyone else. I think the "Activists" just looked for something to attack, found something, and attacked. They clearly never played this game. Name me ANY other AAA game that has included trans people more.


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