Everything You Should Know as a Beginner | Cyberpunk 2077 | Patch 1.51

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25 thoughts on “Everything You Should Know as a Beginner | Cyberpunk 2077 | Patch 1.51”

  1. I thought a hacker with body seemed kinda dumb but it does kinda seem like a fun playstyle. It's always cool to have a character that can access everything. It's always nice to a bit of everything early on for free perks before your build takes shape.

  2. I was about to correct you, but then I got further into the video. Tech/Crafting is 100% the most important stat to pump regardless of build specialization. The Engineering subtree maybe not so much unless you like using tech guns such as Widow Maker or Breakthrough.

    I used to think Cool was pretty meh, didn't really put any points into it on my netrunner, but on my Sandevistan character I realized how OP it could be. Cold Blood perks are incredibly helpful in a lot of situations. I definitely recommend putting at least the basic 3 points into the first Cold Blood perk so you have access to it.

    Regarding buffs, I haven't seen much about them. There are also buffs for playing the guitar, lighting incense, playing music on the record player, and maybe something else I'm forgetting as far as I understand. Oh yeah, one of the new apartments has tea as well as coffee.

  3. Great vid….honestly one ofvthe better ones I seen as a starter guide for a new person to CP2077 like myself. I would love to see more like these. Plus I like hearing u cuz u remind me of the bubble boy from Seinfeld, lol

  4. Thank you for the info. I know it would be a task. But could you show from lvl 1 to lvl 40 what perks you'd unlock in what order? Going the "most op build" Maxing intelligence and Tech.

  5. One trick I learned after 1.5 — if you don't want to use any particular arm cyberware, get gorilla arms — depending on rarity, they add additional hidden points to your body stat, from 1 for the blue to 3 for the gold. Lets you put less points into body if you only want it for opening places.

  6. The most informative video about subjects you actually need to know about. Great job sir! This is by far the most helpful video as well. Keep up the good work!
    I appreciate all the details and hard work you put into this video. It has made me consider a second play through one year later.
    However I do have only one thing I have to disagree with though. The mechanic perk is not the best option because you disassemble any jewelry worth money automatically as jewelry is categorized as trash


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