DSP Refuses To Give CyberPunk 2077 A Second Look And Goes On A Salt Filled Rant Over The Game

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42 thoughts on “DSP Refuses To Give CyberPunk 2077 A Second Look And Goes On A Salt Filled Rant Over The Game”

  1. Cyberpunk 2077 is awesome. It launched super glitchy. But it's in a great place today. Very good game. Piggy is just mad because the game is made for adults. And as we all know, Dave is scared of female body parts and sexuality. So anything with normal sex in it is a big no no for Pigroach streams. Anal, skat and homosexual stuff is perfectly fine though. Funny how that works, huh? Closeted Pig. I wanted to be next to him when he said he'd seen a cyberpunk city done a million times before. Name 25 games right now, Manlette. No phone or computer. Let's go. 5 minute time limit. Bet he can't get to 10.

  2. He had the most cyber punk experience with the billboards and adverts in game and thinks it's a bad thing instead of thinking of how it's affected him and the commentary on commercialization he freaking complains that it's worthless. But what can you expect from someone who's thoughts are just as worthless

  3. As usual he thinks being obnoxiously negative about something translate to him being an authority. This guy can't figure out the most basic things for himself yet he constantly craps on others who are actually creating something

  4. 2077 is not a great game even now as i type this, its still buggy, it still has massive empty unfinished areas, it still has none of the stuff we were promised like a full size and detailed living city where every street is alive with crowds and constant activity where you can go in almost every store and so much more. It's shit compared to what people were promised and that has not been corrected to any real extent and like I said before it's still buggy just not as much

  5. Snowkarl if you read this…. Leave Phil. He treats you like shit and low key hates you. I’ve been in his chat. I’ve gotten shit on for asking a question just like so many others.

    Stop feeding the pig.

  6. Listen to Phil make me want to play Cyberpunk again, i gave up on that game before just because its just too buggy, other than that i like it, gunplay and story is good
    Phil is just an idiot that take every oppotunity to trash on any game devs

  7. Well Cyberpunk is really best for people that can immerser themselves in a game. Phil can't do this. He has a whole screw up relationship to games. They are there to make money out of (street fighter, then youtube now streams). I doubt that he has ever just played a game for the fun of it and to be immersed

  8. After 1.6, the game is absolutely awesome. I didn't have too many problems with it before, not on the level others had anyway, but the improvement is most definitely noticeable.

    Phil is one of those slack jawed window licking old crusty bastids who refuse to change an already horrible opinion to a more accurate, acceptable one.

  9. Trying to understand why Phil doesn’t like the game. 1 it exploits sexuality and 2 it is a bad story. Okay I get 2 and he may have a good point but he never does a good job saying specifically what about the story he did not like. Instead he offers up generic criticism. He has a right to his opinion but being a YT personality that does have some influence I wish he would take more time to put together a more specific reason why the story was bad. That leads us all to believe that he is biased to his review because his ego will not let him have an open mind in giving a second look that may change his original review.

  10. After seeing the the TIHYDP of cyberpunk I can say with confidence he hated the game through and through.

    Part of it is his love of bandwagons but he also despised how the game was at all thought provoking and never held back on its depictions of a callous and horrid future.

    Phil hates any story that actually has character development, drives or makes you think.

  11. I've had Cyberpunk on Series X since launch and played through the entire game with very few issues. Crashed on me twice in 130 hour playthrough. Also have a friend who has it on PC since launch he experienced very little problems as well. It had it's issues and the fixed them but of course the entitled brat would still have a problem with it.

    Also from a business standpoint it would make sense for him to revisit the game, maybe get some new eyes on his channel but with Phil's track record he'll randomly announce he's going to replay Skyrim this week…

  12. I got Cyberpunk on Stadia. While, yes, there were bugs, I never ran into anything game breaking. Worst thing I dealt with was some unresponsive secondary controls, but it would sort itself out in a few seconds each time. Went back to it recently, and even those issues aren't a thing anymore. I'm glad it's working well, and I hope it does even better in the future.

  13. Pretty much what Phil says is: "Any game that's not WWE Champions isn't a good game."

    Also he says that the world you play in is generic and boring? I wanna see what would be a fantastic and unique world would be like in Phil's view. Probably nothing more but a wrestling ring. Can't stand this guy.

  14. rewatching tihydp cyberpunk he really just didnt pay any attention to details and didnt know what he wanted to do and basically just rushed the ending he didnt even spec into anything and if he did he couldve just made a broken time stop build WHICH IS FUN AS FUCK TO USE he clearly just doesnt wanna play because of how much of a child he acted like at the end of the playthrough

  15. I must doubt the validity of dsp's playthrough of cyberpunk if he thinks the world is samey and generic , you can't tell me you played CP and thought kabuki with its small winding streets and slums is the same as rancho coronado and its weird cyberpunk suburbs or that the city center with its giant roads and walkways is the same as northside watson with its industrial district that's full of abandoned buildings used by the gangs. CDPR screwed up a lot with cyberpunk but the world design ain't one of them.


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