Driver 2 Police AI vs Cyberpunk 2077 Police AI

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This is a comparison between Driver 2’s Police ai ( s PS1 game ) and Cyberpunk 2077’s police ai. In Driver 2 the police will actively pursue you and chase you until their police cars are destroyed. In Cyberpunk 2077 the police will not follow you, instead they will just spawn in on your location and if you run away they will disappear.
Cyberpunk 2077 physics vs Driver 2 Physics

#Cyberpunk2077 #Cyberpunk #Driver2


17 thoughts on “Driver 2 Police AI vs Cyberpunk 2077 Police AI”

  1. idk mate. I agree the police in cyber are lack luster, and should actively chase you. However, if they did implement that at some point. They would have to give the cops a heavy nerf IMO. I'm playing on normal, and cops will one shot me at times, and im doing a max body, and reflexes build. I'm tanky af! even Cyber psychos can hit me, and it feels like its just a pool noodle. Imo the only enemy that should really have the capability of one shotting me on normal are bosses and cyber psychos. COPS OP. lol.


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