Does 'Trajectory Analysis' Headshot Damage Stack? – Ocular System Cyberware Mods! (Cyberpunk 2077)

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In this video we go over the Ocular system cyberware mods. I also show you all whether or not the trajectory analysis mod stacks the bonus headshot damage. Hope you all enjoy this one!







45 thoughts on “Does 'Trajectory Analysis' Headshot Damage Stack? – Ocular System Cyberware Mods! (Cyberpunk 2077)”

  1. Hey, would you mind making a video about throwing knives? Do they receive bonus from melee damage perks? Do all blade perks work with them? Can they headshot and do they count as headshots for the perks that influence those (there are some in stealth, for example)?

  2. Players rules (not rules, good advices) to have more fun on this game:
    1- do not use tech weapons to shoot through obstacles, it is just broken OP, ruins all the fun. Can be used as a normal weapon
    2- do not rely on smart weapons, they are fun to use sometimes but also kind of remove the fun if you use it more than rarely

  3. Great vid! Anyone else feel it’s a bit weird how there are so few optical mods given that you can equip 3 at once, they don’t stack and you don’t need a ripper to swap them?

  4. Hey Z, how about a video testing Breakthrough’s interaction with power weapon trajectory mods? Seeing as it’s description says it both penetrates walls and ricochet several times. Great as always, keep it up!

  5. I really hope they will add more mods, its kinda sad that there is only a handful of mods to the ocular system, and not only that a lot of the mods are kinda bad, like the gun mod that gives a hole 6 more dmg when a pretty early on a gun does easily over 100 dmg if not more, and after watching your videos i can see that some mods/cyberware don't even work, on the plus side it shouldn't be insanely hard for them to add more later on, so i cross my fingers for more mods, fixs for the broken once and more versions of them, as a lot only have 1 version not all have higher rarities.

  6. Thank you so much. I honestly believe this is send you a little bit of something for explaining how the mechanics of the game works when they do not in the game at least not as clearly as you do

  7. It's really funny that the YouTuber ESO last night or yesterday whenever he made the video about making 4 million damage with a sniper and he talked about as if the mod you mentioned in your video stacks and you just proved it does not
    I mean hell he doesn't even see cyberware as part of builds
    Example when he talks about the build that he used to get 4 million damage with a sniper rifle after he talked about his cyber items then he said let's talk about the build which means he does not view cyber items as part of the build which is completely inaccurate. That's the whole point of the Cyber items is to make your build even stronger beside attributes skill and mods

  8. I find it a real letdown how boring/basic the gear is. Let me explain: All gear has X armor rating and X mod slots. There are NO unique player power type perks or set bonuses on any gear. It's just X armor, X mod slots and that is it… Really basic gearing system.

  9. Very interresting, but switching an occular mod for non letal is very handy to do those cyberpsycho's. No need to overwrite an existing mod on a weapon, or use a special weapon and only one to non letal them.
    I can see the profit in xp to use them almost all the time but i already play sneaky and try to grab everyone silently already here, so killing them after to get double xp is already done here. It just make the missions way longer and way more strategic my way, but that's part of the fun 😀


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