Digital Cacophony [Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Music Contest Entry]

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My entry to the Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty GrowlFM Music Contest entry. A pretty messy, fun old-school Drum and Bass track with some brostep and hardstep elements! Originally made for a game that was cancelled.

I hope you all enjoy!

Check out my Bandcamp and Soundcloud if you wanna hear more trash, eh?

#cyberpunk2077 #phantomliberty #growlfm #musiccontest #music #soundtrack #fanmade #dnb #drumandbass #hardstep


12 thoughts on “Digital Cacophony [Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Music Contest Entry]”

  1. i like how unique the sound is, but the part after 0:15 really sounds like someone aggressively scraping their car window. still this is pretty good, it would fit well for combat or car races

  2. Hey, everyone! This comment is a couple days late, but I just kinda forgot to write this all down lol

    This is my entry to the Phantom Liberty GrowlFM Music Contest. The contest really caught me by surprise, but after thinking "eh, why the hell not?" for a few minutes, I decided to try my hand!
    This track is a little project I had worked on a few months ago. I was originally working on a now-canceled indie RPG, being responsible for its soundtrack, but with the project dying out the majority of my work was left to dust, waiting for the day I'd release them in any way. Well, this was the perfect opportunity for Digital Cacophony!

    Digital Cacophony was originally concepted as boss music for a faction leader. It was heavily inspired by early 2010s dubstep and late 90s drum and bass, with tracks such as Skrillex's "Kill Everybody", E-Z Rollers' "Walk This Land" and Deadmau5's "Cthulhu Dreams" being notable influences. The track is purposefully noisy, overwhelming and uncanny, trying to be an adrenaline rush for a fight in which you're seriously underpowered against a crazy psycho.

    This is the full version of the track. The file I submitted is more condensed so it can fit the 3 minutes limit.

    This track was produced using BandLab. They got a great library of MIDI instruments, samples and looper packs for producers to use.

    I hope you all enjoy it! I make music for fun and I'm in no way a professional. It's a hobby I love and that I always wanted to share. I finally get the chance (and courage) for it. Thank you so much for listening!

    If you wish to support me, leaving your like is everything I ask for πŸ™‚


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