Cyberpunk 2077's Legendary Shovel – The Witcher 3 Easter Egg

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Previously, this shovel was located on the other side of the room, right by where Rogue crouches down initially…but they moved it. I assume they moved it so it would be found only if you went to help out at the waterfall. Either way, it’s got a satisfying sound and just is a good, unique weapon.


8 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077's Legendary Shovel – The Witcher 3 Easter Egg”

  1. Is this a 1.6 thing where you keep it? I picked it up but it didn't stay in my inventory. If so I might need to do the runs again. There were actually a few items that weren't kept after the Rouge ending.

  2. So I just killed Adam smasher and went with Panama now all my inventory and guns are gone do I get them back? I got beccas shotgun from edgerunners and I really want it back


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