Cyberpunk 2077's Cops After Patch 1.2

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#Cyberpunk2077 #Cyberpunk2077Patch1.2
What’s up everyone, just a quick video showing the cops after today’s update went live. This is patch 1.2. In the previous version, cops would spawn on you when you committed a crime no matter where you were. Now, they take a couple minutes to get to you and can be taken down almost too easily. In this video right after doing crimes, we’ll wait to see how long the police take to show up and also how well they do their job.

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33 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077's Cops After Patch 1.2”

  1. Logically these policemen are supposed to find their way at your rooftop like GTA 5 either by climbable houses or through chopper.
    But all that cyberpunk did here was only delay their magical appearance. Its same old dumb thing.
    I just updated and saw that NPCs now runaway after we snatch their cars or blow up while earlier they used to squat like dumb.

  2. tested the patch and find a stagering 0 improvements on AI, Cops, Physics, NPC behaviour in Cars etc. Lets face it after this patch. The game is dead and wont be recovered.

  3. Their AI is still trash. Why the hell are they refusing to drive their ACTUAL VHIECLES? They have cop CARS for a reason. There is NO excuse for this terrible AI to exist.

  4. what I expect after 2 stars wanted is aerial police vehicle comes in and drops a bunch of cops at you and drones start showing up. Now…at 4 stars…almost nothing happens.

  5. Man they should've just made the drone cops a whole different system. Like have patrolling drones around the city that don't just spawn randomly in sight of you. First wave of cops are the patrols from nearby blocks, then after a while have bigger drones that human police either pilot or drop down from, then keep increasing the numbers and eventually have squad units in vehicles/flying vehicles that appear and so on. It seems the police system was a complete afterthought. Because if a good system was actually in the works, the foundation would be there by now. Sadly, I don't see it getting much better than this.

  6. The fact this system now looks slightly better than before doesn't make it look good. It's basically the same thing, but with delaying the magical appearance of NCPD behind the player's back and giving a role to a drone. I didn't expect something great, but it's sad to say that this change from patch 1.2 looks to be something only slightly more complex than a cosmetic change in the game's mechanics… 🙁

  7. Cops still "appear" from nowhere…
    Civilians does not react properly to gun shots (hits on them), nor explosions on them.
    There are still graphical bugs like textures or geometry appearing from nowhere too.
    Well… this game still a MESS! A shame…

  8. GTA 3 had better cop mechanics than this game literally 20 years ago in 2001. There is no excuse.

    Even after a 40 GB patch, Cyberpunk's Cop AI still doesn't really work. It's probably fundamentally broken at its core, which means they'll have to strip it out completely and code a new system if they want it to work in a proper way.

    You were supposed to be better than this CD Projekt RED, but I guess you're not.

  9. The cops mechanic is wrong on its core. The delayed police resposne is better than the instant one, but it is still super unrealistic to just spawn out of thin air. I believe they need a dedicated patch only for that if they are going to change police behaviour.

  10. Why spawn only one drone?? That's stupid. They could at least make more than one drone spawn far from you, finding you and shooting at you. In the mean time having some cops spawn far away too, out of sight…. This is just so lazy.


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