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Ever wondered how different Cyberpunk 2077 looks on Xbox Series X compared to Stadia? This Gameplay compares the Graphics between the Xbox Series X vs Google Stadia.
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Game – Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077 Loading Speeds Xbox Series X vs Stadia –
Looks good on both . But not as good as pc . Waiting for the next gen update on ps5
Thanks for this video. I was looking for it. Do you have stadia pro? Pro users get 4k and your stadia vidro seems to have lower res
Given the cost of the Xbox I think Google wins hands down here. Plus no download time or updates
With 4K and the quality option turned on in the settings STADIA looks even better and plays buttery smooth.
Stadia needs a hardware upgrade. Guess there is still some time for it, especialy with the slow console releases. For me to keep being interested in Stadia they will need to upgrade Cyberunk sometime next year though.
I bought cyberpunk on the ps4, but I'm probably either gonna wait to get a ps5 to have better rhardware or just play it on stadia
May be I am Blind But I Don’t See A Huge Difference Between XBox & Stadia… I think both options is a good deal… By the way I have a Xbox Serie X and Stadia on my iPad and my iMac 🖥… I go to library with my iPad and I play all my Stadia game 😻 Is rlly good 😌
why only 1080p?
I must admit Stadia is the clear winner here no doubt
I couldn’t find a stadia console in 2020 so I got the series X instead.
I bought this for Stadia. I’m loving it. So happy with the product. They may be on to something with the cloud gaming.
Just got a refund on xbone gonna get stadia version instead I think
I went with the Google Stadia version. I do appreciate that performance mode looks like PC medium settings at 60fps, and that the 30fps visuals mode is looking close to PC ultra settings. But I feel like the anti-aliasing is too agressive, as at times it just looks too soft, almost soupy… And it's not my connection or stream compression – most Stadia games don't look this softened.
stadia is doing a pretty good job. its really a shame that all the games im looking foward to play are xbox/pc exclusives.
This game isn't actually out for Series X or PS5. It's the Xbox One version running on SX, and the PS4 version running on PS5
Why are people saying stadia looks better, is there something I'm missing???
Series x and Pc have their population density turned up. Stadia looks like a barren wasteland lol trash
Performance or Quality preset?!
as a stadia owner the right looks like performance mode not quality mode which looks much better
they look very similar
Jesus people who actually think the comments stadia looks better give your head a damn shake….its CONSIDERBALY blurrier when full screened compared to xbox.
Stadia looks more blurry overall. But also this video is not recorded in 4k and it looks heavily encoded so we can't really compare the details.
Series X is a little bit sharper…