Cyberpunk 2077: Xbox One, Series X|S, and PS4 Tested – Early Framerate Analysis Results

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Cyberpunk 2077 is here and it’s been released on every Xbox platform available. While the Xbox Series X|S seems to be running the Xbox One version of the game fairly well, the base versions of the game have some concerning performance issues on both PlayStation and Xbox. These are our first findings on the Xbox family of consoles and the results have several concerning findings on the base consoles.

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50 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077: Xbox One, Series X|S, and PS4 Tested – Early Framerate Analysis Results”

  1. Even at launch this was one of the most fun video games I’ve ever played…I say just wait to get one of the new gems to experience it…these old gens are outdated through their specs, raytracing is here and these new gems provide these abilities. People got cyberpunk one their old gens..were these the same people rushing the release? I got it but I’m gonna wait to play mine on my next gen…I played it on my friends PC. I don’t think the game should have rushed to be release…but then again they listened to the anxious consumers over those that told them to take their time…now the consumer who had anxiety to play are complaining about the bugs…it’s a either or kind of spectrum we should consider if we transform ourselves to be positioned in a capitalist system…should have either just waited or get the proper specs the game designers posted to play a thrilling experience…idk…but giving developer anxiety for their creation to be release to get criticize is not healthy. Nor is giving anxiety to your consumer is not healthy as well, granted, which they didn’t, as developers.

  2. Obviously CDPR shouldn't have released this in this shape, but I can't help but wonder how much PR and pressure from gamers factored into this rushed release. We're seeing more and more how gamers are almost impossible to please these days, but I don't know how they thought they'd get away with this… Just saying that the same people that were pissed off about the delays are probably also the same people who are bitching about the tech issues…. You know it's true.

  3. the car was supposed to explode in that car sequence with jackie??? I was on Pc and the gun audio disappeared for that whole sequence and they just casually crashed into the building with no effect…

  4. I literally don’t have any of the issues people are talking about, I’m on a base PS4 and the frame rate is fine, there’s some texture loading issues and a bit of pop in but other than that it’s pretty much spot on, everything else is regular open world game stuff same as in Skyrim or fallout and will get patched

  5. Playing on xbox series X the quality mode is supposed to be locked at 30FPS but crashes every 15 minutes. When I play on performance mode using 50-60 fps it doesn't crash nearly as much, maybe once every day. How does this make any sense lol 😆 🤔

  6. Cyberpunk'd
    The OpenCritic team and several critics suspect that the developer, CD PROJEKT RED, intentionally sought to hide the true state of the game on Xbox One and PS4, with requirements such as only allowing pre-rendered game footage in reviews and not issuing review copies for PS4 and Xbox One versions.

  7. look i wasnt a big cyberpunk fan but i got on the hype train like about a year ago.
    I expected like 5000 customisations and u could dialogue with any NPC since itwas in development for so many years (?) but apparently i can choose a few tats that arent even that aesthetic, I stopped playing when I got outside the building in the first minutes and I quit the game. CAN'T EVEN SEE MYSELF IN THE MIRROR WITHOUT PRESSING "F" gg.

  8. XBone couldn't handle Fallout 4 in 2015.. You expect it to run Cyberpunk in 2020? On the other hand my Xbox One X run this games pretty smoothly. Except for issues with the AI.

  9. This game was advertised for last Gen consoles Not the next gen consoles that's what it was originally advertised for I highly doubt CD project had the game ready because it is obvious.. obvious that the game is not ready and yes they did rush it out, but i had to buy a new Xbox because Cyberpunk literally broke my Xbox series X.

  10. Pregunta general a cualquier presona que tenga un xbox one x jugando cyberpunk. ¿han experimentado algún fallo jungando que se queda ciclado el juego, aparezca como guardando o que no se pueda cerrar el juego?, al apagar con el botón a consola ¿no les dá video y tienen que reiniciar con un usb?, gracias por sus respuestas.

    Quiero seguir jugando el juego, pero tengo temor de que me falle de nuevo, hice como cuatro veces el reinicio.


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