CYBERPUNK 2077 Wrong City, Wrong People | Dread Mix

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Welcome to Night City. This video features a mix of soundtrack, both official and unreleased, that I feel best inspires dread throughout Cyberpunk 2077. All music heard here has been mixed and extended by myself using gamerip audio files. As always all credit for the original work in this video goes to Cyberpunk’s amazing composers P. T. Adamczyk, Paul Leonard-Morgan, and Marcin Przybyłowicz. For separate videos of each track see the pinned comment!


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0:00 relic theme
2:26 voice in my head
5:56 devil ending
9:18 braindance calibration
12:54 no tell motel meet
16:20 rite of passage
21:38 totalimmortal
26:16 been good to know ya
31:38 evelyn’s theme
35:50 black dog
39:50 hanako’s proxy
44:48 character creation
50:08 mining minds
52:30 the sacred and the profane
55:18 suicIde ending

Thank you.


22 thoughts on “CYBERPUNK 2077 Wrong City, Wrong People | Dread Mix”

  1. So many songs which I simply love.
    So many songs which made this game perfect for me.
    CDPR really did an amazing job with the music.
    Spoiler for anyone who didn't play the game at all











    Fucking hell CDPR, may I please be able to help Evelyn with the DLC comming up?!
    Please. Let me save her 🙁

  2. Refering to the relic theme:

    The music tone is Fascinating during the Tape worm segments/ Intermissions in the game it makes you feel like your actual being taken over I has a sense of dred clocks ticking.

    On the roof top the stakes are high and you only have a few options all of them not looking bright.

    Even in mikoshi it gives you a feeling of no hope that you can't be saved. No happy endings in night city… "here for folks like us. wrong city wrong people."

  3. "'cause we lost everything…we had to pay the price…"

    The story always pressed on you how damn near hopeless V's situation was, something that only got worse once you got closer to the end and yet it was also able to constantly push you. Always able to give you that little bit of joy where you might just succeed. I would attribute a good chunk of this to the extraordinary quality of the music. I've never heard the music and thought "Yeah, this'll turn out well."

    Cyberpunk: High tech, low life. Oppressively beautiful music.

  4. First soundtrack and "Been good to know ya" – soundtracks, that hits me right in the soul. This dialog on the roof with Johnny and final words of Johnny in cyberspace in Mikoshi "Goobye, V, and never stop fighting" 😢

  5. This tied with Johnny suddenly becoming very serious on the rooftop, V sounding completely exhausted, and glancing at the pistol on the table, makes this music incredibly eerie.

  6. Small correction, 'been good to know ya' is mispronounced as 'been goog to know ya' also the last one is mispronounced but the Youtube reasons I'd rather not the tell the 'true' version of it. 🙂 Anyways, good mix really it's one of my favoruites it's at the top with the Never Fade Away Mix(The one with Judy I think) and Johnny's sick Guitar Riff solo. Good job keep it comin' choom!

  7. Suicide Ending hits home as it makes you question your decision, and the end credits are a horrible, sad, moving reminder that a life taken by the hand for whom the heart beats, is a life taken from the hearts that loved them.


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