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Welcome to the fitness routine that you can do WHILE playing Cyberpunk 2077 with a controller.

Sitting – “While Stealthy”….
Whenever you press your “Interact” button, like “X” or “Square” and whenever you Save:
Core: Do a “Core Crunch”. Lean back and stabilize your upper body with your arms, then bring your knees to your chest.
Legs: Stand into a Calf Raise whenever you save or interact with something.
Every Loading Screen: Do as many pushups as you can before the game loads.
So whenever you die….fast travel… or purposefully load a million times until you have the perfect playthrough, you better get to crawling.
During Conversations & Hacking:
Core: Hold legs out in front of you and tense core
Flexibility and Overall Health: Stretch(supremely important)
Legs: Stand into a Calf Raise

Standing – “When running and gunning”
Whenever you press your “Interact” button, like “X” or “Square” and when you Save: Squat Low or do a Calf Raise or Squat Low into a Calf Raise.
Every Loading Screens: Do 3 Burpees
During Conversations & Hacking:
Flexibility and Overall Health: Stretch or Hold your Lowest Squat
Core: Plank for the duration or until the soul departs
Legs: Hold a Calf Raise

Resistance Bands:


5 thoughts on “CYBERPUNK 2077 WORKOUT”

  1. Your performance here reminds me of one of my favorite films, The Living Wake. What do you think about CP 2077 so far? I'm enjoying it, sure, but I also somewhat disappointed by it. I prefer to play it with mouse and keyboard, but would love to get some abbies again.


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