Cyberpunk 2077 – Why Night Corp and Mr. Blue Eyes Are Yet To Reveal Themselves!

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Here is why I think that Night Corp, a very shady organization operating within Night City is yet to properly reveal themselves, and how is that connected to Mr. Blue Eyes and Crystal Palace.

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LastKnownMeal, 2022.


29 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – Why Night Corp and Mr. Blue Eyes Are Yet To Reveal Themselves!”

  1. I love deep dive videos like these 💙 on Cyberpunk. Because not gonna lie. I'm too stupid to put anything together lore wise or speculation wise, on my own. So I appreciate this kind of retrospective refocus.

  2. let's not forget that the devs wanted to make a…hmm.. masquirade the bloodline style sewer…wonder for what type of missions…or reasons, and the casino that is not playble…but there are a few things done there ( in 1.0 if you no cliped and traveld there)….who knows what dlc's will be ( hope life path style) and an interesting question you putted here and a really interesting ideea for this video…now i wanna hunt the locations of the persons with the rings

  3. the killing-off of Jackie kinda sets up a horrifying possibility for the direction of the story. Combined with your AI controllers theory, maybe the death of Jackie was planned to happen early, so that he could be resurrected later as a trusted confidant to V, and nobody would expect that he has an AI controlling his dead body because the AI would assume all characteristics of the host.

    also, ive noticed how the word rogue is added into rogue AI all the time, suggesting that there also exists AI which stay in line. cuz there must have been a pool of AI that the rogues broke away from that were controlled successfully which isn't an easy feat and would likely have to be a project run by a megacorp to merely have the funds to complete

    Which further supports my Auto Pilot Jackie theory

  4. Great theory! I was thinking that mr Blue Eyes is working for NUSA to take over Night City, by controling Peralez. Militech and Netwatch is pretty obviesly working to destabilise Night City. Militech throwing weapons left right and center for Maelstrom and Nomads, by "accidental" loss of transports and Netwatch trying to prevent Kang Tao from securing Pacifica. Maybe NightCorp is working with NUSA to kick out other corporations from NightCity

  5. It would be very interesting to see a DLC that brings V further into this conspiracy, but there's another reason I've been wanting to see a Mr. Blue Eyes/Crystal Palace DLC. It's been speculated for a long time (based on datamining of the game) that Mr. Blue Eyes may have some connection to Morgan Blackhand. The ending of the game and Gary the Prophet tell us that Mr. Blue Eyes has connections up in space. I've always had the theory that the reason no one has seen Morgan Blackhand for the past ~50 years is because he's up somewhere in space. CDPR has stated that Mike Pondsmith gave them lots of ideas on how to involve Blackhand in 2077. This would be the perfect way to introduce this character into 2077 – and I can't think of a better plotline for him to be involved in.

  6. During the Sandra Dorset quest, V uses a brain conection yo check Sandra status. This is the moment V gets the malware that NC uses to monitor him.

    That is why they know about your virus in the Vodoo Boys quest, and Aldo, why the Perales quest always fails

  7. Isn't Mr. Hands also somehow related to Mr. Blue Eyes? I feel like they're both entities (similar to a soul construct) from beyond the Black Wall, except they're inhabiting human bodies, similar to how Johnny Silverhand (a soul construct) had the potential to inhabit V's body. The only name themselves based on the features others see.

  8. Garry the Prophet was a missed opportunity to talk about the Witcher and the wild hunt. I mean Inter-dimensional elves with blue eyes trying to take over the multiverse with frost magic sounds like a pretty epic conspiracy theory.

  9. This is one of my few problems with the game. EVERYONE knows everything, you finish a mission you get a call from the fixer. it is not exclusive to Night Corp. Though I do agree NC has yet to unravel its story. Also, Gary the prophet is tied to the NC story arc . At game release it was a rumor that mr blue eyes was Morgan Backhand who was also with NC

  10. Mr blue eyes can be spotted in the game looking at you from the balcony in the mission clip you showed on this video. When you get up from the bench after your conversation, look straight and aim 10 o'clock

  11. Man loved the video ! Sometimes I think V is the experience of the Sandra Dorsett shard and not Peralez. Like when we are hacked in the end of peralez quest, the hacker says "It doesn t matter what you will do it, will not change anything", like the Peralez itself doesn t matter anymore or causa he is already been brainwashed a lot of time ago, but the only thing that the hacker asks to V its something like "Dont cross the line, Stop digging". And like you said in your video that a lot of people that cross the path of V with that ring or with "very strange history". Like the Heist itself for exemple, you meet Jackie in a "random situation" and them he shows a one time opportunity to become a legend and them you start the heist. But why Evelyn will make a deal with two amateurs mercenaries and Dex(a fixer that mess up a job in pacifica 2 years ago) against a son of the emperor of arasaka ? why not Rogue the best fixer in town, with the best mercenaries teams for exemple? Or the Bryce Mosley situation, a netwatch hacker, when you talk to him in the pacifica mall and he has a lot of military cybewares like oda and takemura, and in a side of a tunnel in pacifica you find a dead body with the netwatch badge with the name Bryce Mosley. Its like we have been surrounding, watched and manipulated all the time. Sorry any english mistakes or confusing text, i m not a english speaker lol. Great video man hope will make more videos about cyberpunk lore. Much luv mate !

  12. Kill those two guys from the van that drive to maelstrom hideout after you find them spying on jeff by that antena… They have a shard that you can hack and get more info about all of this… Btw the AV waiting for them is on the roof… Its almost completely invisible…

  13. Mr. Blue Eyes is the physical representation of the rogue AI's that really control things in the physical world from cyberspace. Netwatch created the black wall to try to contain these AI's but they can't completely. Mr. Blue Eyes is like a doll, just a body for the AI's to interact with our world.


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