Cyberpunk 2077 Why does V not use Valerie?

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Cyberpunk 2077 V – Valerie – Kazuliski


48 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Why does V not use Valerie?”

  1. The way V phrases the explanation makes it sound like something fucked up happened to them. Even the delivery matches fem and male v's personalities. Fem V is much more somber and uncomfortable about it and Male V lashes out angrily, both being possible responses to some past trauma surrounding people they knew well.

  2. I usually hate it when games force me to play as certain characters rather than give me choice over who the characters are supposed to be. But then again knowing that the name is Valerie gives me an excuse to pretend that V is actually Valeria Richards from Marvel comics. Only makes me wish that male V's name was Victor so I could do a "Doctor Doom" run…

  3. V is short, easy to say and I think it's a good nickname for a mercenary + cars in game (Quadra V tech and one cool business car, perfect for the corporate suit from the prologue) have V in name. There are many factors why Vincent or Valerie use V.

  4. im honestly glad they dont call our v by their "real" name for 99% of the game because i ended up givingg my v her own name. having characters constantly call my v valerie would've sucked and taken me out of thinking i had my "own" v even if most v's aren't that different personality-wise.

    it wouldn't be practical at all but i lowkey kind of wish they could have done the thing fallout 4 did where they have a ton of pre-recorded names for the character for one character to say like once (in this scenario, the doll at clouds) it'd just be kinda neat even if a bit silly and impractical

  5. I love how honest this guy from CDPR is, just casually admitting that they only picked the name V because it meant less voice lines and there was literally no deeper meaning to it than that

  6. It's just a really preem name all around. Although, I must admit, it contributes to a bit of confusion. When I first played cyberpunk, I expected V to be kind of a blank-slate protagonist, fully shaped by the player. Like the stuff you have, for example, in baldur's gate, dragon age (except 2) or non-bethesda fallouts. You know, because of her pretty generic name and your ability to choose origin story. But it soon turned out that it actually isn't the case – V is a very much established character with predetermined goals and motivation. Moreover – it turned out that she isn't the only player character – Johnny is as much that as she is. The game in this way really follows Witcher III's footsteps, where we were also playing as two established characters.

  7. For me, Vincent hits the nail in the original cinematic trailers especially the brotherhood between him and Jackie as well as him settling the enmity between Silverhand & Smasher.

  8. Still think that there should be option to tell the love intrests Vs full name after romancing them. But the real question is what is V last name? In my head after the events of the game it is Alvarez

  9. It's literally because they were too lazy to program the different names, characters in the witcher like Tryss and Yennefer had the same name in other languages. You can literally have a full romance with someone and they still never call you Valerie, Jackie never does either. Makes no sense


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