Cyberpunk 2077 What happens when you pay Viktor before Meeting Dexter Deshawn, Hidden dialogue

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24 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 What happens when you pay Viktor before Meeting Dexter Deshawn, Hidden dialogue”

  1. Can you show what happens when you meet Takemura outside Wakakos instead of going with him there? It’s some of the funniest dialog in the entire game lol πŸ˜‚ He gets mistaken for a comedian.

  2. I did that once and will never do ot again.
    It's tedious with that limited amount if quest to farm the money. Now I just go straight till Dexter and after that it depends on my build.
    If I need anything specific, I farm all the quests to get the thing I need.
    If I don't need anything specific to get my build rolling, I just do it wants cash is no problem


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