Cyberpunk 2077 What happens when you are nice to Placide

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38 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 What happens when you are nice to Placide”

  1. Love how he was all smooth like ''Oh dude. We never thought this might happen. He was too strong. We tried to save you my dude'' when he really just threw you to the fire like the ranyon you are lol

  2. The one time I took the Corpo's deal over a gang. At least the corpo didn't try to kill me. Voodoo Boys were nothing but disrespectful pieces of shit through the whole thing. Plus they tried to kill Evie, that was reason enough to flatline them all.

  3. I offed all the voodoo boys but was actually on the fence about placide. On one hand he's an ass who was going to let you die but on the other he clearly cares for his people, best example is giving away chicken meat and how he interacts with everyone in the batty building. Still ended him incase there was a chance for vengeance

  4. I kinda understand but it's still his fault as, if he got some info about V before giving him this job, he would've known that V isn't "nobody", he's strong so he could get out of this situation. So no grudge, but I still punched him.

  5. I took the deal with the Netwatch dude. In this scene, when Placide pinned me to the wall, I punched him.
    Then, I was happy when Alt iced all of them. And I took pleasure in killing Placide.
    I know the choices in this game aren’t truly branching, but it’s sure fun, the variations!

  6. So since he tried to do to me what was done to Evelynn Parker. I did the kind act of killing them all in their little church, so at least they don't have to transport the bodies for the funeral service.

  7. The Voodoo Boys do this to all outsiders, who they considered to be ranyon. Ranyon means disposable rag that's no longer of any use. This attempt on V's life was premeditated.

  8. Yeah I didn't even try to be nice. Placide double crossed me so all the VDB's had to die. Hell if I am just driving through pacifica I pull over to zero some scragglers left behind after the massacre. Then I go to the amusement park and ride the roller coaster with the chill chooms there who were so excited to get to ride it but were so scared as well.

  9. First playthrough, I went this route and had to deal with it knowing I was the ranyon. Bittersweet, but it got me what I wanted.
    My current playthrough, I aligned with the NetWatch agent and watched the VDB netrunners get flatlined. It was satisfying though to put Placide down.


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