CYBERPUNK 2077 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 24 (PC)

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Cyberpunk 2077 Walkthrough Part 1 and the rest of the parts until the final video will include a guide to the full game story of Cyberpunk 2077 on PC via Steam, first impressions, review, cutscenes, boss fights, final boss and ending.

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5 thoughts on “CYBERPUNK 2077 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 24 (PC)”

  1. In order to progress through skippy's quest: you must get 50 kills or maims with Skippy (each are counted separately).
    Afterwards, wait a few days and he will conduct a small survey on you. Depending on your dialogue choices, he will either stay in Stone Cold Killer (12 Cool) or switch to Puppy-loving Pacifist.

  2. That is weird. I didn't know you could fight Ozob after you fought the Champion in the Street Fighting missions. Maybe in Phantom Liberty we will got more of these types of missions from Coach.

    Also maybe Ozob will have a story line in the dlc. Oh well RIP Ozob. He got to ahead in life. 😂 He was a blast to hang around with.😂


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