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Projekt Red’s co-founder Marcin Iwinski has issued an apology for Cyberpunk 2077’s buggy launch, in particular on PS4 and Xbox One. Lucy, Jake, and Jean-Luc break down their new roadmap, including upcoming patches, free DLC, refunds, and PS5 and Xbox Series X versions.
It’s pretty common knowledge that Cyberpunk 2077 had a less than perfect launch, with many players encountering a number of bugs during their playthroughs, whether they played on PC on console. However, no group suffered more than those on PS4 and Xbox One, who encountered everything from huge frame rate drops and low textures to unsightly glitches and abrupt crashes. CD Projekt Red co-founder Marcin Iwinski has issued an apology, an explanation, and a roadmap for the future.
In the video above, Lucy James, Jean-Luc Seipke, and Jake Dekker dissect CD Projekt Red’s apology and help unpack what went wrong with Cyberpunk 2077’s launch. Much of the issues with the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game were due to the streaming technology used, according to Iwinski, and the ambitious nature of the game led to difficulties adjusting this aspect of the game for last-gen consoles.
Iwinski also gave updates about upcoming free DLC and future patches to fix bugs in the game, as well as the free PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S upgrades coming in the second half of the year. For a deep dive into the apology, check out the video above, and make sure to subscribe to for all the latest updates.
00:00 – Intro
01:11 – Why is there such a gap between the PC and console versions of Cyberpunk 2077?
03:55 – Testing didn’t show any of the console version issues?
06:27 – Updates Roadmap (Patches, Next-Gen Console Update, etc.)
07:20 – CD Projekt Red has a newfound commitment to avoiding crunch
08:55 – Free DLC coming to Cyberpunk 2077
09:45 – Cyberpunk 2077 refunds
11:02 – Outro
I don't believe them
A big F U to all the reviewers that praised this game, calling it one of the best ever, and saying there were minimal glitches.
How did they not see those issues on previous gen hardware, also did not address what they are going to be doing with the shit AI. Think all we will see is some bug fixes and dlc sadly, I don't have much hope of them doing a no mans sky.
I truly appreciate the thoughtful, measured coverage by Jake, Lucy and Jean-Luc.
who would have thought destiny 2 would optimise best on ps3,ps4 and ps5.
bungie for all there flaws did builds for every console at launch every time.
I'm not even all that mad about things left out shit like that. I'm mad because the game crashing on my ps4. Releasing a game in this state is unacceptable. My potato of a ps4 plays doom eternal no problem. I really like cyber punk like the story like running around doing shit. (Love panam) the crashes are what made me the most angry and the teleporting police and how easy it is to get away
You guys screwed people. Bottom line. Game is still crap framerate for even the Xbox one x…….fix it!
What a backhanded apology
Where do they hire these people from? When you have a specific role such as making sure the game runs smoothly on all consoles you generally test on all consoles to check if it can run. Obviously whoever was manager of that department kicked his feet up and relaxed thinking "it just works". He should be fired immediately for his lack of overview and insubordination of quality… I find it more hilarious that they try use the all new universal excuse of the "covid" blame game. This just makes me distrust them more as they pass the blame and barely anything gets done. I did think maybe we can get a No Man Sky turn around but I think their still a long way off. Also the fact they still sold the game off on Ps4 and other old consoles annoys me knowing they tried cashing in big time on a half functional product. Also I appreciate the art and design and I like playing it. I dont hate it but there is not enough there for the release they promised. So I'll look at this game again in another 8 years when you hire a decent team who can uphold the basic requirements of their job and are eventually excellent at their roles speak and work together and overhaul the entire game to a playable function.
Played on Xbox now waiting for it to come to ps5 to buy
Next gen update before dlcs!!!!!!
when a game drops at starting of a launch its hard to even sell the game or think that is good for playing
"testing didn't show any of these problems" because in a QC environment, the consoles have extended memory and other bonus features that retail versions do not have. this is my fucking issue with everyone talking shit about this game; no one even bothers to research a bit to understand from a QC perspective how things get done
"We are sorry we got caught. We will fix the game with the money you will give us when we release The Witcher series re-mastered"
जय श्री राम
Do we get the Next-Gen version free if we own the PS4 version?
Fuck the haters… I enjoyed the game
Pre ordered it on my Xbox One X, it was " playable " after the 1.0.5 hotfix and then I gave up and refunded it. For the same amount I bought AC: Valhala and Far Cry 5, me and my wife has been into Valhala since then 🙂 maybe buy it again in some months and updates.
The biggest thing bout these updates is dat their coming after most people finish the game 🤷🏾♂️
They should introduce back shift button form Wither 3: automatic ride. Would suit perfectly to futuristic world where cars can move automatically.
Thanks for beta testing it for me everyone!
Jail him!
I wonder where's Kallie lmao
Pc version is still a mess with bugs on every corner. Totally breaks the immersion.
they lived long enough to become the villain.
I'm playing on base PS4 and maybe I'm just super lucky in terms of game breaking glitches or anything (the only one I've really dealt with is the item count and game rebooting because of it) BUT I'm having a blast and have no qualms with the fact that I gave them my money for this product because they're actually trying everything they can to right the wrongs and make it as good as it can be.
Next video, CDPR Testers will blame the Developers.
Bruh 2022 for next gen fuck this
David Guetta looks sad in the thumbnail
Everybody keeps talking about how oh well it’s too much to be played on ps4 … I can only throw back the vast majority of the development of this game was done during the ps4 ,Xbox one era and on those systems so basically made for those systems. So why is everyone thowing them under the bus ? Oh well just get a PlayStation 5 well ……have ya tried that as say my case a normal guy in Wisconsin without 1400.00 dollars to play scalpers ….so yes…please fix it
4:30 You do understand, CDPR just Lied about that but I guess as a Games Journalist you can't say that.. You'd have to be Blind not to see the Console Issues whilst Play Testing.. So its clear that they are Lying.
I play the game on BAse PS4 and Rarely encountered Bugs or glitches. People need to remember Reviewers are people too and they have their own views and opinions on the games they Review. Not everyone will encounter bugs or glitches or have the same experiences. the only thing that happens is the game Crashing but that isn't a game-breaker for me. as far as CDPR goes..I have faith they can turn this around, they were rushed into releasing the game.
Gamers need to be more patient, do you want a game with little to no bugs and glitches? or a rushed game where they have to put out Patches to fix shit. Seriously I do have Faith in CDPR to fix the game and do everything they can throughout the year, I would have waited till Christmas for Cyberpunk 2077 to be fully finished. But Gamers are impatient and hate Delayed games..I don't because I know the game is not finished and they still have things to work out in the very game they are developing and bringing to us to Play. Every game has its fair share of bugs and glitches when released, Not everyone will have the same experience when playing a game..but Everyone should be more patient and just support the developers who are working hard to fix things after a game's launch. give them help and tell them what is going on in Forums and so on..Help them bring us a better game. Help them fix it. Overall.. I am looking forward to any DLC they bring us and so on because I am enjoying the game myself.
Just don't hype up unreleased delayed games again
David Guetta made a game?