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ngl hope the money glitch is still there after the update
Damn I just got ur recent katana build maxed out. Now it looks like it’s going to be nerfed
I am not too sure what to make of the new skill tree. It looks more nerf than gain to me. Of course that makes sense, since most players will import theier OP lvl 50 char.
In current version it feels more like every stat point mattered. The 4/9/15 tiers could make leveling a new char less exciting.
I am really excited for your "real" builds once the patch goes live.
just to be clear, it seems like the new level cap will be a part of the expansion, not free
I feel like blades are about to be useless now and that's going to break my soul.
Thanks for the video as a melee user I will be focusing on the bottom for sure.
Now I can play necromancer netrunner, love this update.
My last playthrough I used a stealthy mono-wire/net-runner & short circuit/merciless SMG build. For 2.0, I wanna go with an "in your face" build with the new dash & quake abilities. I'd like to use a katana, blunt weapon, shotgun, and either mantis blades or gorilla arms.
In the Reflexes skill tree, do you think "only affects Blades" applies to the mantis blades? Or is it just handheld blades like katanas? Like will we be able to deflect bullets with the mantis blades?
Skills do still exist in one trails/livestreams you see a skill go up but i heard that it has its own tab now called skills which contains solo, shinobi, engineer, netrunner, and headhunter tabs which contain the old skills however that part a rumor.
There are no stat requirements other then capacity for cyberware now.
1:18 So they’re really removing the merciless perk?
Im just coming back to the game but i went with 20 int and 20 tech and 9 in all others. I got left over points but without knowing ingame info that would allow me to be a crzy cybered out net runner. Think it would be cool to basicaaly be a cyborg netrunner
they removed all my favorite stuff!!! I a not updating, this is some bullshit!! it is a totally different game… say bye bye to OP netrunners
It's actually great if skill progression is gone. It was a pain in the ass to grind that stuff for athletics progression.
This build looks nuts. Seems like a cyberware heavy, close range pistol netrunner could be crazy good.
Hey, I thought I should check T7PDM for cool Cyberpunk information and… here we are!
And behold, though I stopped playing it, curious about your D4 video now! 😀
Hopefully I won't lose the ricochet stuff because that was my go to in the game.