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In this video, we’re going to rank Cyberpunk 2077’s characters in the ultimate tier list.
0:00 Introduction
0:15 Adam Smasher
0:59 Sasquatch
1:36 El Capitan
2:03 Ozob
2:43 Brigitte
3:41 Delamain
4:21 River Ward
5:01 Dexter Deshawn
5:57 Dino
6:24 Evelyn Parker
7:10 Coach Fred
7:47 Lizzy Wizzy
8:33 Hanako Arasaka
9:17 Anders Hellman
10:15 Jackie
10:48 Johnny Silverhand
11:31 Judy
12:19 Kerry Eurodyne
13:30 Mama Welles
14:21 Meredith Stout
15:35 Misty
16:25 Bryce (Netwatch Agent)
17:49 Carol
18:09 Oda
19:03 Padre
19:53 Panam
20:43 Bartender Guy
21:25 Jefferson and Elizabeth Peralez
22:00 Placide
22:42 Joshua Stephenson
23:40 Regina Jones
24:33 Rogue
25:29 Mitch
25:57 Saburo Arasaka
26:56 Better Call Saul
27:46 Takemura
28:46 Us Cracks / Blue Moon
29:35 Viktor
30:23 Wakako Okada
31:30 Yorinobu Arasaka
Lol the thumbnail almost gave me a heart attack with Judy being A tier and not S tier. Then we would have a problem Big Dan! How dare anyone put the hottest bae in all of Night City below S tier….that's blasphemy! xD
i do see the list is missing: scorpion, santiago, both weylands, and thomspon?
let me tell you, you have a beatiful smile
Mitch is fine, just seems like he's always in the way.
I somewhat disagree with placing Yornibu in F tier in terms of morality. The game really doesn't show off his character as it is in the lore. He's the poster boy for "good" corpos in the tabletop game – he and his niece Michiko play this role – since his dream is to take down Arasaka from the inside. His plan in 2077 is mentioned as one of his last resorts in the lore if he wants to destroy Arasaka, something that he's spent his entire life doing so. He's even been called the Japanese Corpo Johnny Silverhand in the lore since he raised and funded an entire Yakuza faction to go into open war with Arasaka. The game doesn't do a good job of explaining it, but the reason why he's so angry when he kills Saburo is that he's frustrated that the only way to destroy Arasaka is to join the Corp and destroy it from the inside.
I'm not really saying that's a moral character by any means, but then again no one is in the world of Cyberpunk 2077 except for maybe Misty, Vik, and the Aldecaldos. He has a lot more depth than the game just avoids for whatever reasons. Not to mention, he knew V took the Relic and only sends people after him to appease other members of Arasaka. If you get the Sun ending, you can hear news reports saying that Arasaka as a company is falling apart after V's assault on the tower, which would only happen if Yorinobu killed Saburo which gave V enough of a chance to steal the Relic and time to power up for the final battle. In a way, Yorinobu is the whole reason why V is still alive and why he's able to defeat Arasaka and Smasher to fulfill Johnny's wishes. He even mentions this in the Devil ending, which is why he scolds you for supporting Arasaka and mentions you're on the same side.
It's a shame since Arasaka is a very complex corp with a lot of internal politics that the game doesn't explore. I wish they took the time to delve into it since, unlike the Johnny Silverhand/Samurai storyline, Arasaka has A TON of information built into the setting whereas they had to work with Mike to actually build concrete personalities for Rogue, Johnny, Kerry, etc. in the game.
Johnny is F tier for me, he is by far the worst character in the story. He doesn't give a f about V, he was a dick to everyone who loved him, the whole plot of the game is he manipulating V to fullfill his 50 year old revenge grudge.. After the voodoo questline, he even tells V "I will destroy Arasaka, and I don't care if i have to use your body to do it", demostrating that he doesn't really care about you. I feel like most people just like him because he Keanu Reeves. But cdpr created a very hateable character
Are you sure it was wakako who sold evelyn to the scavs? I thought it was Fingers who did that.
The VDB didn’t like how she tried to klep the relic for herself, so they had a badass netrunner fry her doll chip. Woodman abused her helpless body until he dumped her onto Fingers, who was known to take nearly any body available for spare parts. Is this the part where wakako sent some folks to deliver her to the scavs? If so, fuckin why? What did wakako have to do with this?
Love your videos. Genuinely unique details about the game compared to the hordes of detail videos about the same things.
Fixer Dakota mistaken with Carol 🙂
When you say Yorinobu is a psycho like his father – I think you didnt understand the game AT ALL and probably should do another playthrough with Devil ending.
Same thoughts on River, lol. My dude CANNOT get laid. My lady V was having none of that mess.
Is Skippy on this list?
Why no Claire??
You forgot V
Lol S tier has most members.
I like Judy, I really do. When I first started playing through I was hoping she'd be a romance option, until I realized she only went for female V. Then Panam showed up…fucking upgrade man. Judy's an awesome character, but…booty, about all I gotta say.
I so agree with spending more time with Jackie. I have often complained that the prologue of the story was too short. We should have been able to do more gigs, side jobs etc, build up a reputation a bit, start digging into NC before the heist because once the heist is done, the story itself is on a pretend timer. You have days/weeks to figure this out. Are you really going to run around doing side jobs and gigs?? The heist should have been 1/3 to 1/2 through the game. Would have made the story gel better.
Poor Ozob, apparently Big Dan didn't do the Beat the Brat questline.
Yo I just met Denny for the first time today. The fact there is more hype for some child looking chick then Denny is crazy 👀
How could you leave out Alt Cunningham and the Prophet? But still, I'd put misty and Judy down to A. I like that you put Blue Moon and the Us Cracks in the S tier, they're hilarious. I'd also put Takemura into A. He's such an interesting character.
Hey Big Dan, love ur channel and Cyberpunk content u amazing with it 🙂
was wondering if u ever tried to use Delamine (V's personal Del) for multiple days/ times, i couldn't find video talks if he change the more u use him
I been testing to just drive him mostly and over time i noticed his likeness of Speed change overtime, so do his behavior
but im not entirely sure is it a coincidence or is actual development in his character. thought i tell u about this or anyone who is reading this lol to test it out, u might enjoy it 😀 !
Almost 100K subs! Keep up the good work!
Kerry is one of my favorites characters in cyberpunk 2077,and his romance is my favorite in the game
This is such a weird tier list
I liked the Sasquatch boss because that was the first boss you could save game right before final blow on her then reload and get infinite xp and street cred lol
Dexter should be in D tier. Sure, he is charismatic, but that only gets you so far. In addition to the 30% issue, he has a habit of giving you bad intel. If he’s such a good fixer, he should have known that Brick was still alive, and that Saburo was going to be at Konpeki Plaza, meaning that the Relic job was too risky.
I find your tier very good. You're right on spot. I would have to disagree about Kerry, he's fun and interesting but first place? Nah, I would put him ahead of Adam Smasher. ALso I would place Del in A.
That guy you couldn't remember the name of? His name's Pepe, and he's the bartender at the El Coyote Cojo.
That username ain't lying.
I feel like the fact that you HATE the villains you put in the F tier should be rated higher because they were written TO BE HATED. That makes them GREAT characters since they did exactly what they were supposed to do. I feel like characters that brought nothing to the story should be F tier.
How about Claire 🙁
How do you forget Pepe's name but remember his side quest was called Raymond Chandler Evening?
You actually can fight Ozob in the beat on brat side quest chain. If you beat Razor and have did Ozob side quest. Just don’t hit the Grenade. I aimed at his lower torso and avoided head shots 👍🏾
Jackie died too soon. 😢 He was S tier material for instantly
Surprised you didn't rate Rachel Casich
hanako over delamaine the fucks wrong with you ? lol