Cyberpunk 2077 – This Is Huge! This Changes Everything! Massive Discovery! Update 1.7 and More!

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This is huge for Cyberpunk 2077’s biggest secret FF:06:B5 as now it extends to The Witcher 3 Next-Gen Update! Will we get the final puzzle piece with Update 1.7 or Phantom Liberty, the expansion? Plus Keanu Reeves news and Mike Pondsmith responds to a fan – this is amazing.

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30 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – This Is Huge! This Changes Everything! Massive Discovery! Update 1.7 and More!”

  1. Are they the same universe separated by time? I like to imagine the Fallout universe and the Elder Scrolls universe are the same, as the fallout age just kept crumbling, thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of years later the Elder Scrolls age arose. Officially they are different though. I wanted to imagine Cyberpunk as part of the same universe, but V's life is tragic enough, knowing the world has months to live might be a little too dark (you know, Oct. 2077?)

  2. Maybe I just haven't found one yet. But one thing I would like to have is a proper scope for your sniper rifle if you're going for the sniper build. At the very least, they should have multiple levels of Zoom for your scope.

  3. Keanu Reeves is a notoriously good person. Not full of himself and very down to earth. The dude rides the frickin subway in New York and is videoed quite often just riding along like any other normie.

  4. Not gonna lie. If they have so much money to develop a whole set of new games then there should be another smaller DLC that is free for anyone who bought this game more broken that it is now. I am playing it on Series X atm and I have game breaking bugs on average every couple of hours. Map doesn't load in almost every area. You literally need to walk around for a minute for directions to kick in. The story is great and the game runs smoother but missing features like vehicle to vehicle combat that is coming with patch 1.7 is super annoying. Sasko is also right. The game is not balanced and challenging. You can level up to max before even starting any main quests just by following the police scanner(really just click on the map as that mechanic doesn't exist, it really only gives you a message when you are close to the crime that is on the map already anyway). I love the game overall but there still isn't a value in keeping it for 2yrs and it might just get fixed in year 3 or 4 after paying them another lot of money.

  5. I like that you give us news, but you’re honestly incredibly biased towards cyberpunk and CDPR. I’d like you to hold them more accountable ultimately. Cyberpunk is a good game now, yes, but it will never be what they promised to sell so many copies to begin with. It’s okay that cyberpunk isnt what they said it’d be, just not okay that they lied to us to sell it.

  6. I still have a song in my head that I need to write but I think that we should've gotten more storyline quest tied to your life paths. Especially in the end game, we need more life path related content to make them feel like an actual choice that mean something.

  7. 1) I still don't know how the hell they got Idris Elba.
    2) Doesn't it strike anyone as a bit suspicious the definitive edition is coming out after the paid DLC. All the updates have been free and the Expansion is only on the new gen consoles but the upgrade has been free for anyone that's had the last gen version.

    I think we'll have to pay for the Definitive update. Like FF15 Royal Edition.

  8. Isn't it also kind of funny that the colour of the apparent Cyberpunk Easter Egg in The Witcher 3 is Magenta. I say that because if you have followed the mystery of FF06B5, this is also the the RGB code for Magenta.

  9. Love this game from the beginning from the release date but I'm not a cry baby like most gamers they told everyone they would patch the game in the beginning when the cry baby's cried about the release date being pushed back I back my games like people back there football teams

  10. The Witcher 3 pc next gen update crashes in both dx12 and 11 at the start menu after the intro movie for me and a few others. I switched back to classic for now, some of us noticed a pattern that have this problem, we all have i7 cpu's and rtx gpu's.

  11. They have their own version of batman in cyberpunk 2077. Why not get either a new bit of chrome or a new way to use an existing arm cyberware? You get murkman's (batman's) car after all. Should get something else to go with it.


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