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A love letter to Cyberpunk Edgerunners, and the city of dreams. Expert cyberpunk gameplay showing off high quality, creative stealth combat. Watch just how badass V can truly be.
THUMBNAIL CREDIT: André Yamaguchi (@andre301)
Link to his artstation:
Song Used:
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners | Opening Credits: “This Fffire – Franz Ferdinand”
To make my Cyberpunk videos more unique I decided to use a mod that allowed to respec my attributes, which I used to bump up my intelligence so I could be more effecient with quickhacking, while still remaining a stealth focused build. If u enjoyed this video, please checkout my Cyberpunk 2077 stealth kills playlist / Please like, share, and subscribe because more content like this on the way.
ATTRIBUTES: 20 int, 20 cool, 20 reflexes. Rest are in body (I ignored the other attributes)
FOCUS PERKS IN: stealth, quick hacking, rifles, handguns, blades, athletics.
CYBERWARE: Double Jump, Keriznikov, Militech “Falcon” Sandevistan Mk.5, STEPHENSON MK.4 cyberdeck, (all other parts I’m usually changing around to test different things, that’s up to you)
Militech m-10AF Lexington (auto pistol)
Malorian Arms 3516 (Johnny’s Gun)
Overture (power revolver)
Overwatch (silenced sniper)
Satori (Katana)
PC specs:
INTEL i7-4770 / 2TB storage
HyperX Fury Black 16GB 3200MHz
Looks like David had enough of the city's sh–… He'll make a fire out of control and burn this city.
Nice video I just want to know what's happen to dying light 2
Very nice
Great vid bro.😺
Thanks to this video I actually appreciate and dig the music that goes with the opening
why saying sandevistan in title and cyberdeck in description and we see u use both in the clips?? nice gameplay btw man and u should get used to grenade throws in sandevistan and shoot at them this way u time the explosions to maximize instant kills on little groups (really fun way to play)
Awesome job.
Name Song
bring more vídeo cyberpunk is so good
Looks like movie trailer 😮
For david martinez, ladies and gemtlemans
Really incredible editing, pacing, and execution as always! I think the editing paints Cyberpunk the way it's meant to be seen and you're definitely doing Edgerunners justice. Can't wait for more cyberpunk and more VaatiVidya stuff!!
Now this is cool.
1:34 I didn't know there's Russian hostiles in cyberpunk (of course because I used Russian localization)
sick asf
Bro, this shit is absolutely fucking wild man. Your skills just keep getting better and better in the editing department. I can't wait to see your future content and your new channel name!!!!!
That was sick ! 🤙🏽
Do new plague tale & gotham knights
Epic video!
At 0:35 how tf did you hack the guy if you have a sandevistan?
Absolutely brilliant! This would make a killer gameplay ad, I love the editing as well as how you use the prologue and act 1 cinematics.
bro i just realize shit was going backwards to the start of the story line bit by bit lmao waht great fucking job though ongod