Cyberpunk 2077 | The Pleasures of Life | Synthwave Music

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Cyberpunk 2077 | The Pleasures of Life | Synthwave Music

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Sending vibes for an epic day! May the entire universe’s luck rain down on you. 🌌
Our beats are here to take you on a journey of feels and memories. 🎵✨


• Captivating art and animations crafted by yours truly © NightCityGirls. •

• If you plan on vibing to this track, be sure to shout out © NightCityGirls •

• Anyone interested in purchasing images, follow the link 🖼️:

#synthwave #cyberpunk2077 #relaxmusic #chillmusic


8 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 | The Pleasures of Life | Synthwave Music”

  1. Gooooooood Morning Night City!!! I hope you're all doing well today. I just finished the Phantom Liberty DLC last night and man…that was amazing. The narratives and storytelling possible in this universe are truly unique to any other RPG i've ever played. Experiencing stories like this, at this level in a video game is not common and truly inspires me and the work that I do here. Chapter 8 of NC Stories is below. Take care choomba.

    +/ Night City Stories +/ Chapter 8 – Back To Reality


    The cool breeze of the early morning nips at Brian's wounds. He awakens on his couch, sitting up and feeling a quick twinge of pain on his chest and face. The pain is quickly mitigated as Brian notices gauze and bandages have been applied to his wounds in a professional way. He glances over to see his blood soaked jacket and shirt have been cut off of him and left on his dad's bloody lazyboy. The cold air of the morning wraps itself around Brian like a new jacket as he takes a deep labored breath, feeling his wounds throb and contract. He smells the strong scent of cigerette smokes emitting from his front porch.

    Brian slowly staggers outside onto his front porch. He sees the streets of his neighborhood carrying on like they normally do. Shouting matches, dice games, loud music, kids at play and the occassional stray gunshot. He sees remnants of the morning his father died within the scattered debris of the block…reminding him of how fleeting the events of Night City are. You can be on top of the world one day before it all comes crashing down the next…and completely forgotten the following. This is a cycle Brian is all too familiar with as he contemplates regularly…applying the concept to any days events. He glances to his right to see the Woman in Black with her back leaned up against the house smoking. He sees his pack of smokes on a chair on the porch and grabs them without looking at her. He lights one and takes a deep breath as she stares forward smoking her own in deep thought.

    "Thank you.." Brian says while glancing down at the patchwork she did on him.

    "….Who the hell are you..?" The woman impatiently but inquisitively asks…The black leather facemask she wears slightly muffles her speech but compliments the unique tone of her voice.

    "Seems you already know who I am…I should be asking you."

    "I lost something more than just my Avenger when i was being chased…they-"

    "You mean the chase that killed my father." Brian says in a dead tone still not looking at her before he takes another drag.

    The woman stands up straight before taking another drag and crossing her arms before walking toward Brian, almost shoulder to shoulder. The heavy sounds of her black leather boots walking across the withered wooden porch add weight and thump with each step. She looks at Brian for the first time directly, "I'm sorry about your dad…Enrique was it…? I didn't-"

    "What are you looking for." Brian says as he impatiently turns towards the woman in black approaching him, looking at her for the first time directly in daylight. Brian, unprepared for how close they are is caught off guard and has some instinctual thought reactions: "We're the same height…her eyes are a vibrant emerald green…her hair is jetblack and long…most importantly…he can see the worry in her eyes"

    "An access card." She replies in a serious tone.

    Brian looks away and takes another drag while thinking….With a posture of almost reluctance to get the cogs in his head turning on the subject..its as if he knows where this is inevitably going to lead. The kids on the block yelling and playing takes over the brief pause. She continues

    "I stashed it in your backyard just in case they took me….Came back around wasn't-"

    "Come." Brian says after taking a final drag of his cig and flicking it towards the street before walking back into the house. The woman promptly follows.


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