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Cyberpunk 2077 Temperance Ending Guide – Let Johnny Silverhand Keep Your Body (New Dawn Fades Epilogue):
1. You must complete Panam’s Side Questline to forge an alliance with the Aldecaldos (Nomads). This can still be done before going through the Point of No Return. You can also still do it after the Story, when you select the “One More Gig” option after the Credits it will put you back before the Point of No Return. Panam’s Side Quests:
– Riders on the Storm (unlocks over the course of the story, added to your quest log automatically).
– With a Little Help From My Friends (a day or two after the previous quest you will receive a call from Panam that starts this)
– Queen of the Highway (starts automatically after doing the previous quest, must travel out of camp and skip time by 24 hours, then go back to Panam to proceed)
2. During “Nocturne Op55N1” (Final Story Mission), Mysty will walk you to a balcony. On the balcony you will talk to Johnny Silverhand. Pick the following dialogues: “[Call] Panam” – “Just need a minute” – “Somethin’… I gotta do today” – “Gonna ask Panam for help” – “Take Omega Blockers”.
3. During “Belly of the Beast” (Ending Mission), after defeating Adam Smasher you will interact with the Alt AI and enter the Cyberspace. Here Johnny and Alt will talk to you. Pick dialogue “Body’s Johnny’s. I’ll go“. Then cross the bridge and enter the Cyberspace forever (do not enter the Well to return to your body). Now The Temperance Ending will trigger.
Step 1 – 0:00
Step 2 – 0:48
Step 3 – 5:21
Ending – 7:25
Cyberpunk 2077 Endings Guide (All Endings):
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All CP77 Trophies & Achievements:
The Fool
Become a mercenary.
The Lovers
Steal the Relic.
The Hermit
Find Alt Cunningham.
The Wheel of Fortune
Interrogate Anders Hellman.
The High Priestess
Talk with Hanako Arasaka.
The World
Complete the main storyline.
The Devil
Help Takemura avenge the death of Saburo Arasaka.
The Star
Leave Night City with the Aldecaldos.
The Sun
Become a legend of the Afterlife.
Let Johnny Silverhand keep your body.
To Protect and Serve
Complete River Ward’s storyline.
To Bad Decisions!
Complete Kerry Eurodyne’s storyline.
Judy vs Night City
Complete Judy Alvarez’s storyline.
Life of the Road
Complete Panam Palmer’s storyline.
Bushido and Chill
Watch Bushido X with Rogue.
Collect all items that once belonged to Johnny Silverhand.
It’s Elementary
Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Watson.
I Am The Law
Complete all Cyberpsycho Sightings.
Greetings from Pacifica!
Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Pacifica.
The Wasteland
Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in the Badlands.
Little Tokyo
Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Westbrook.
Mean Streets
Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Heywood.
The Jungle
Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Santo Domingo.
City Lights
Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in City Center.
Full Body Conversion
Install at least one implant in each system and body part.
Gun Fu
Kill or incapacitate 3 enemies in quick succession with a revolver or pistol in close combat.
Christmas Tree Attack
Complete a Breach Protocol with a minimum of 3 daemons uploaded.
Ten out of Ten
Reach the max level in any skill.
Shoot an enemy grenade in midair with a revolver.
Two Heads, One Bullet
Kill or incapacitate 2 enemies with the same sniper rifle shot.
Rough Landing
While Berserk cyberware is active, perform a Superhero Landing to kill or incapacitate 2 enemies.
Stanislavski’s Method
Use a dialogue option related to V’s life path 10 times.
Buy all vehicles available for purchase.
Master Crafter
Craft 3 Legendary items.
Daemon In The Shell
Kill or incapacitate 3 enemies with one “Detonate Grenade” quickhack.
The Quick and the Dead
Kill or incapacitate 50 enemies while time is slowed.
Must Be Rats
Perform the Distract Enemies quickhack 30 times without drawing attention to yourself.
V for Vendetta
After reviving with Second Heart, kill or incapacitate the enemy who killed you within 5 seconds.
True Soldier
Kill or incapacitate 300 enemies using ranged weapons.
True Warrior
Kill or incapacitate 100 enemies using melee weapons.
Right Back At Ya
Kill or incapacitate an enemy who threw a grenade at you.
The Wandering Fool
Find all the tarot graffiti for the job Fool on the Hill.
Frequent Flyer
Find all fast travel dataterms.
Legend of The Afterlife
Reach max Street Cred.
That riff he plays on the Guitatr is really bugging me, it's very close to a song, but not one by Refused /Silverhand
I got this completely different way. I called Panam and said goodbye then picked ‘you and rouge should go’. I did those missions alt said it wouldn’t work v gave up said Johnny can keep body and when I tried to walk back to the cyberspace he got mad and beat me up and said I’m out. your in (v talking to Johnny) and made Johnny go to the well and keep body. And I got this trophy
Interestingly, I beat the game several times, getting the Sun achievement before this which left me with Rogue's gun in my inventory. Well after finishing the Temperance ending here it had me buy a plot for both Rogue and V in the Columbarium putting her gun in one with her plot reading, "Rogue: Queen of the Afterlife" and the other reading, "V: Dreamer" but still had her alive and call him pissed that Johnny had V's body, telling him not to come back to Night City.
Anyone else have that happen to them?
someone please tell me what Panam texted Johnny. i just zoomed by because i couldn’t believe it.
So, I can't call Panam at the end, although I completed her storyline (Got the trophy). Any guess, beside being bugged?
You can also get this ending if you go with the Johnny and Rogue path. The only difference is "Johnny" is the one that will be making the decision.
Which ending is canon tho?
i wish after everything, V saw the bigger picture and stopped just wanting to gun for #1. i wanna have V keep the body but seeing how he never answers the phone for everyone else and how he didn't find himself a cure, im really inclined to give my bod over to silverhand, especially seeing how silverhand inspired a kid to play for the masses before leaving night city.
Why did the game tell me this was the The Sun ending?
I got this ending
This is my favorite ending. It really relates to me because I lost my grandpa in 2019. It put me in the feels. 😢
I called hanako and got a different awesome ending
These freakin’ endings are just too much…. 😢😢😢😢😭😭😭
My first time finishing the game Johnny took off the glasses to reveal an identical pair underneath
Didn’t know wether to laugh or cry
And this is all dex's fault, man i wish we could of topped that fat ass in a later mission
them eyes 8:40
Unlocked the "secret ending" and still chose this one. Gotta say I made the right choice.
You have to be dating Panam to get this ending?
#26:18 – that music :'(((
90% of this isn't needed for this ending btw. Oh also you spelled Misty wrong.
"Choices from the rest of the game don't matter" is extremely misleading, considering all of the differences within the endings, epilogue, romance, and phone calls when the credits roll, as well as the availability of 2 endings. You can also get the Temperance (Johnny keeps body) ending through 3 routes– you don't need to complete Panam's quests or select "gonna ask Panam" at all for it.
comparising this video with my gameply,something is missing,i have no option CALL PANAM but V right the way said that goodbyes are not in style,this option locks me out of this trophy. WHAT DID I MISS IN GAMEPLAY?!?!?!?
What's the song playing in the guitar shop
I went for this ending, had to. Johnny is just as flawed as any other person in Night City, he was filled with so much anger and pain that it consumed him. No one took the time or patience to guide him and allow him to grow.
Also, I just couldn’t have my V just live a few months, within those months she’s losing more and more of herself until the day she finally flatline. Nah, I would give that opportunity of life to Johnny. He becomes a close friend to V and he tries to make a difference for his past actions.
He shows growth, appreciation and a new perspective cause of V. I love my V and the way I made her become at the end. I don’t regret it 😊 and to me one of the most moving endings in this game.
If I choose this ending can I keep the eddies I had as V?
My poor, orphan streetkid, who came from nowhere, strengthen his soul and as a last act of kindness he gave his body to Johnny and faded into the non-space of the matrix. Rest well, V, you've earned it.
I genuinely love the Columbarium, if you look at all of the names and quotes on the walls, you'll see characters from the game that have died. I think Jackie is on there too.
the fist time he met her… after he got this kiss. this man acted like he never gotten a kiss in his life…. i know the feeling
Yo so i lost all my items in this ending… is there a way i can get them back or do i have to restart everything?
Despite the bugs and glitches the story was beautiful and tragic, I got this ending on my 2nd play through .one of the most beautiful stories I've played
Merge would of been greater v johnny silverhand
The Ultimate Bro ending