Cyberpunk 2077 Telling Jefferson the Truth

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25 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Telling Jefferson the Truth”

  1. Just found out who is behind this and it’s Mr.Blueeyes I spent like 50
    Hours looking for clues and found it remember when you to the park you get a unknown call that’s eyes and if you look around there is a green dot and if you scan him it’s fuckin MR.BLUEEYES

  2. I feel like Johnny was right, and perhaps Mr. Blue Eyes is an engram of a rogue AI put into a host body. I don't know how that's possible (for a rogue AI to bypass the black wall), or even if Mr. Blue Eyes is a single entity or a group of entities that have a single engram stored in some hidden server impenetrable by netrunners, but I do know he's holding a big secret that will affect V and perhaps all of night city

  3. This will definetely continue somehow in future dlc or expansions. I mean just to get the full outcome, what happened with them in the end ? I like the mistery cliffhanger for now

  4. I replay this mission While talking to jefferson if you look at the right balcony you can see/spot Mr.Blue eye(You will meet him once you choose to become queen of after life ending or don't fear the reaper and survive) watching, So That means? MR. Blue eye is a rogue AI? I wonder what they or he want to peralez family. :/

  5. That blue eyes guy is a perfect DLC antagonist(or something similar). He can be used in Cyberpunk the same way Gaunter O'Dimm was used in witcher 3. First he appears at a seemingly unimportant time, playing a seemingly minor(but in reality very important) role and later in the DLC he straight up reveals he's the OG evil out there. Could see Mr. Blue-eyes in a similar position.

  6. One of Regina's side missions requires you to rescue a cop who tried to be a whistleblower and got declared as insane and sent to a mental health facility. I found the line-of-sight transmitter on the roof of that hospital. You can scan it and it has the same information as the one of the Paralez's residence's roof had. I tried to follow it but I didnt find anything

  7. one of the very few sidequest which is actually intriguing – and it ends like this, no follow up, nothing. what a wasted opportunity. this basically sums up the whole game

  8. This video also needs the End Credits video call from Peralez. He has a different one if you tell him everything than if you don't. I'll just say, it will make you re-consider telling him everything.

  9. One of the most interesting side stories, I was really surprised where the usual "find out who done what" went, I hope this leads to something bigger in the sequel, because it would be so cool if some rogue (or just sentient) AI or group of AIs trying to take control for whatever reason (as long as not the usual gist with world domination blah blah)…


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