Cyberpunk 2077: Suicide Ending

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26 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077: Suicide Ending”

  1. Dude, I didn’t even want to do this ending because I knew it would be sad, and I didn’t want to see my V give up like this. But, wow, it still hurt to watch.

  2. despite all bugs this is true ending of man who pass all shit of world and this damn city, and find that, what ever way he got is bad, full of pain and death. And this man realise to not choose evil. greater or lesser. not choose at all. Like a man with strong will to end this all.

  3. I think this was best …I did all of them one by one …and to be honest …this was really the least bloodiest ending …after doing all the other alternatives …people like rogue or the crew of panam and in some Johny was left really upset …also the soldiers who died in the tower ….I think it was the best ending …he only had 6 months to live ….or to become a code

  4. Breh on my 1st playthrough i by mistake picked this ending cuz i thought it meant "Fuck everything i had enough bloodbath, throw pills away and accept that you will die, accept that Johnny would take over, and i was fine with that, atleast i will live on with what was left of my last days with my friends, family and Johnny" but nope as soon as i heard the gunshot i was like BREH wtf i didnt sign up for that shit, yes i did want to give up, but not on my freaking life XD so i used my checkpoint and went with Johnny and Rouge ending cuz i thought if i have to choose between Rouge and Panam then atleast by choosing Rouge Johnny will get his revenge, Tho if i freaking knew that if i sat there for 5 min straight that i could have walked in there by myself i would have done that cuz my thought process at the time was that i didnt wanna hurt anyone i cared about, and me choosing Rouge was me trying to find some justification in my choice as i knew that someone would die but me beliving that It was more personal to Johnny was enough of a justification to make that choice.

    Edit: Just wish CDPR could have made GO ALONE as a choice instead of a TIME WASTER option.

  5. I thought this was how I get Johnny and I to go alone to blow shit up ourselves, imagine my surprise when I hear a gunshot and the credits roll haha I immediately Alt-F4’d and later realized the secret ending is what I wanted to do the whole time.

  6. This is definitely the most emotional I've been over a game. The everything had me captivated to a different level, despite it's flaws. The messages hit close to home because I've been suicidal before and so has many people close to me. Kinda gives me the feeling I was most curious about; how it would feel to see and hear what everyone close to you had to say to you after you're gone. This game forever holds a place in my heart.

  7. Tip #1: don't play this game really stoned because I actually got this ending by accident and didn't realize I was killing myself till about halfway through the conversation and then it faded out into a gunshot and I lost my mind. Needless to say I'm trying to be more careful about taking that trip to Embers.


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