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#Cyberpunk2077 #LakeshoreRecords #CDProjektRed #Cyberpunk2077Soundtrack #cyberpunksoundtrack #cp2077 #NightCityWire #gamingsoundtrack #videogamemusic
No matter where in night city I will stop to listen to the whole song, too good to pass up
I can swear I heard this before Cyberpunk came out
Where the fuck is this song on Spotify????? And why no Mojo Hand, same band no? @thecoldstares
damn. love this song lol
This song is on my top 5 best songs in the Cyberpunk 2077 soundtrack.
yee haw
Funny thing he is actually talking about his relationship with Johnny Silverhand. And his whole experience in this game. V, that is. This was specifically commissioned for the game to reflect the theme of it all
Everybody got their cross to bear
I've got mine, and I've got yours to share
See you driving, down my road
Trouble in the wind yeah, already know
Every time I see you, around the town
Somebody's shoulder and your breaking down
Ain't enough that you can't be glad
Gotta make your best friend's day so sad
Suffer me, friend in need,
The one thing I just can't be
Suffer me, I'd be on my way
Dark clouds around, and I can't stay
Back makin' trouble, misery
All that gets at you, you bring to me
The thought you have, you're so sad
But every time you're around you're always mad
Suffer me, friend in need,
The one thing I just can't be
Suffer me, I'd be on my way
Dark clouds around, and I can't stay
Suffer me, friend in need,
The one thing I just can't be
Suffer me, I'd be on my way
Dark clouds around, and I can't stay
Suffer me, friend in need,
The one thing I just can't be
Suffer me, I'd be on my way
Dark clouds around and, I can't stay
And I can't stay, and I won't stay no no
Thanks @Janie Nance for the correction lol
When I hear this song I hop on Jackie’s arch and ride as fast as i can just like f*ck yea!!
This truly is the best song in the game. Why is it not on the sound track?????
My favorite song in the game. Wtf ever happened to Mojo Hand? Neither of these songs are on Spotify…. so weird
in the badlands or in a dirty part of night city, either ways with a nomad car (the best ones)
The game may be a buggy mess, but the story is good and DAMN but the music is on point.
I can't believe it was made especially for the game and not before it, it looks so suitable for nowadays
Some of these songs by bands in a game for a game are better than todays music
wait, the cold stares are in cyberpunk?
You can't put a blues rock song in a dystopian cyberpunk game
The Cold Stares: Hold my beer choom
i trough it was The Blacck Keys xD
This song is the shit. Reminds me of Black Keys and Black Rebel Motorcycle Club.
Now we just need Mojo Hands lol.
This is great, but Mojo Hands made that trailer.
This song played when I got my original Rattler back from that girl in the scrapyard and rolled back into the City Center to finish the last few gigs/side missions.
Ha good song but I remember this band blocking me on FB.
Love the Hendrix vibe, great song.
Is there any way to download this? I tried buying the soundtrack on Amazon but it said "unavailable on this device."
When I first heard this thought he said suck for me friend in need.

so f*ckin good !
thanks samurai
Why isn’t this song available for purchase on ITunes or any other platform?
I probably have all of morro rock memorized at this point lmao