Cyberpunk 2077 – Shoot To Thrill (1st Place) | Side Mission

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“real nice pistol” he says.
To win the shooting range competition in Shoot to Thrill, you need to get a score of at least 40 points. There are 100 possible points in total, but you only need 40/100 to get first place. This could vary slightly based on some players’ reports, but you generally only need above 40 points to win


1 thought on “Cyberpunk 2077 – Shoot To Thrill (1st Place) | Side Mission”

  1. Find the iconic gun Lizzie. Shoots a second bullet every time you fire. Half the clip in a single charged shot (17 rounds in one second). I finished with 100/100 with 15 seconds to spare. Each charged shot of 17 rounds at once is a hell of a kick, so get used to pulling your fire downward. Fastest gun in the game is also free. Just look in Lizzie's Bar on a table in the mission "Automatic Love."

    I believe you can craft the tech pistol non-iconic version, or purchase it from a vendor if you sold or destroyed/lost/forgot it. It will be close to the same specs, but not as good outside this "Shoot to Thrill" mission.

    Score of 40 out of 100 is enough for first place and the reward. Again, with Lizzie charged shots, while pulling them downward as the gun spits out half a clip in a single charged shot, you'll get to 40 out of 100 in about 20 seconds.


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