Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel Associate Director Says Original Game Wasn't WOKE Enough!

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Badger goes over comments from Cyberpunk 2077 AD that the first game wasn’t woke enough, and they might be right… but now how you think.

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14 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel Associate Director Says Original Game Wasn't WOKE Enough!”

  1. Well following the fuck-fest that was the original games release I wouldn’t buy the sequel at launch anyway. But, I ended up loving my time in Night City, sometimes a lot more than being in my own real world one! So yea, Dystopia’s a lot of fun when I’m sat in my comfy chair looking at in on a screen, so up the ante for the sequel & bring on the grimdark!

  2. They could have done quite a bit more with the caste system, like some store should only be accessible if you're a corpo class and so forth. Show the actual COST of a corrupted Social Credit Score System.

    Hopefully. they at least learned not to rush the release, but we'll see..

  3. If the newer version of this game has more bullshit than the tolerable level of bullshit in cyberpunk. I.e. super strong women presidents who run around lifting you up off the ground other fantasy bullshit. They won’t get my money.

  4. You could make trans character in the game, giving female hero male genitals etc. And it was full of woke references to pollution, racism etc. Also, most females were pretty ugly. Only non woke thing, and what I really loved, was that most main characters weren't bisexual. They either preferred men, or women, but not both. Which made these characters lot more believable. But anyways, I found the next gen changes to skill trees and gameplay ruined the game, and all the anime stuff did not fit into the game world at all. This is why I threw away the PS5 version and keep playing the game on PS4Pro, where it is still the good old game with the solid last gen skill tree.

  5. So you didn’t read his words directly and didn’t understand what he meant. He never said it wasn’t woke enough he said it misrepresented just how rampant homelessness is not only in our own world but how it should be in a dystopia to reinforce the messages that are pre existing. Idk about y’all but when the games opening says “welcome to night city where 80% of the populus sits below the poverty line” I kinda realize homelessness is a massive issue and has been a major issue in NC since 2022, and after 2045. These being directly due to in universe lore. Y’all all sound braindead and slow and spend your lives getting offended by nonexistent talking points that are untrue yet go unchecked in your echo chamber.


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