Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel Announcement Orion [HD 1080P]

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36 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel Announcement Orion [HD 1080P]”

  1. Now EVERYONE INVOLVED, the management, developers, fans, investors, EVERYONE needs to learn from the first game and not repeat it. I don't care if this takes 20 years to develop, this needs to come out right.

  2. Anyone who thinks this game is going to release on time and not broken are fooling themselves. All of the sudden CDPR think their game is gaining positive attention because of an anime they think they're unstoppable. This is not a good look for CDPR. They are biting off way more than they can chew, and it's going to lead to another DISASTER.

  3. Amazing!!! Coming from a fan that loves these type of games & I wanted this game to succeed from the very first start. I originally bought the game for $10 on Black Friday. Since I already knew from how the state the game was already coming from past experience, & never wanted to buy a unfinished game never again. I saw the potential the game had & now that seeing the Netflix show I’m didn’t care if the show blew up, all I cared about was a positive review from the company saying how well they did from this & will be expanding from these ideas, literally this proves my point, and have tears of joy in my face right now!

  4. How is now more efficient to build games in NA??? The one reason why CDPR was successful was due to being able to spend more development time on their games due to significantly lower cost of labor in eastern Europe. This is the reason why most succesful development studios are in eastern Europe. This development from the US will be watched by board hawks and any signs of overspending and scope bloating will be handled by cutting the contents. This is how shi##y EA games were made.


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