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Oh my😏
A sequel will they actually pay attention this time or we have to wait another 8 yrs for it 😒
I upgraded to premium to play this just to find out it was the 5 hour trial 😭😭
Not pre-ordering again. The hype was not real.
oh no…. studio in america.. americans gonna ruin it
114 / 5.000
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Cyberpunk 2 produced in America? high chances of being a politically correct game like saints row remake
lets see how they fuck up this one
Imagine Panam in UE5… heart can’t take it.
hello cdpr why are u doing that u just beame hype for cyperpunk 2077 and u wiill create new cyperpunk game like what first give us our missing content again cdpr
Huge w
i like this redemption storyline xD
Now I don't want anyone rushing them this time to release it and WAIT
DONT RUSH THE GAME, make it a game that will be skopen as the best game for the next decade.
Cyberpunk 2077 was a great game, a solid 9/10 from me, the only thing missing was a hardcore survival mode where you had to sleep to save and eat + drink.
Now EVERYONE INVOLVED, the management, developers, fans, investors, EVERYONE needs to learn from the first game and not repeat it. I don't care if this takes 20 years to develop, this needs to come out right.
Okay you have two month to release it starting from now, and it better to be good.
I’m mad at Projekt red honestly pissed the f*** off. Keep working on cyberpunk 2077 what the actual f***
Anyone who thinks this game is going to release on time and not broken are fooling themselves. All of the sudden CDPR think their game is gaining positive attention because of an anime they think they're unstoppable. This is not a good look for CDPR. They are biting off way more than they can chew, and it's going to lead to another DISASTER.
Now fellas, if they need to delay it again this time: no death threats
Hell yeah please take your time
Hopefully there’s flying cars like some minority report type shizzzzzz
Now fellas, if they need to delay it again this time: no death threats
Now fellas, if they need to delay it again this time: no death threats
Now fellas, if they need to delay it again this time: no death threats
Amazing!!! Coming from a fan that loves these type of games & I wanted this game to succeed from the very first start. I originally bought the game for $10 on Black Friday. Since I already knew from how the state the game was already coming from past experience, & never wanted to buy a unfinished game never again. I saw the potential the game had & now that seeing the Netflix show I’m didn’t care if the show blew up, all I cared about was a positive review from the company saying how well they did from this & will be expanding from these ideas, literally this proves my point, and have tears of joy in my face right now!
Bring us what was in the 45 min E3 gameplay video!…. please
Don't pre- order wait for game review
Cyberpunk was the most memorable game I ever played
They can’t even get cyberpunk 2077 working fully and they wanna release a new game LMAO
I'm worried that having an NA team, especially teams based in cities, will lead to woke infiltration.
Hope this time they keep their mouths shut and let their games do the talking.
How is now more efficient to build games in NA??? The one reason why CDPR was successful was due to being able to spend more development time on their games due to significantly lower cost of labor in eastern Europe. This is the reason why most succesful development studios are in eastern Europe. This development from the US will be watched by board hawks and any signs of overspending and scope bloating will be handled by cutting the contents. This is how shi##y EA games were made.
Being made in North America.:( that means it will be woke and fail in other-ways. Just look at Saints Row. Get woke, go broke.
Well if Orion falls hard. Never hurts to focus on Cyberpunk animes to expand the word. Also, telling better stories.
I won't preorder, instead i'll wait until after release to see if you deliver a decent game that looks and plays as advertised