CYBERPUNK 2077 Sandstorm Gameplay Free Roam

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CYBERPUNK 2077 Sandstorm Gameplay Free Roam

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26 thoughts on “CYBERPUNK 2077 Sandstorm Gameplay Free Roam”

  1. Ok so this is part of a side mission called Killing In The Name. You follow a lead Nancy gives you. This is a scripted storm because it just happened to me. Just as your about to hack the access point

    Oddly for me there was no npcs at the scene : the area was empty. Make sure you just enjoy the storm, they're very rare unfortunately. Over +100 hours and I've only seen them scripted never randomly

  2. When you do the Riders On The Storm side quest with Panam. There's sand particles in the air, you put your hands up to shield your eyes and the storm does damage. That's the only time It's been emersive really. This storm just changes the sky colour and obstructs the view driving. Still some updates might improve that.. Hoping anyway


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