Cyberpunk 2077 Sales Number Revealed by CDPR!

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Today we are going to talk about CDPR revealing that Cyberpunk 2077 has so far sold in 20 million copies across all platforms.

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LastKnownMeal, 2022.


23 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Sales Number Revealed by CDPR!”

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  2. I was thinking how cool it would be if the next CP game on UE5 would be smth like CP2099. That gives enough time for more things to escalate from the ending of 2077, more technological advancements to be made and even introduce things like actual artificial humans(which from what I've read, clones and stuff have failed to gain consciousness in the CP world so far and are only given simple AI for labour?). It could also make it so AVs are more common with more people now having personal AVs and flying around.

  3. I’m happy for the developers, I really a.m. as this is a good game. My only stipulation and hesitancy in hyping too much praise is this:
    I would hate for all of this positivity to be used by leader ship to excuse and reaffirm that their decision making was OK, that it all worked out. I would hate for them to just get away with it, that’s not to say they already don’t as the majority of consumers are or choose to be very ignorant of the development of this project but I would not want to reaffirm or reinforce leaderships choices and decisions with this project and its development.

    The reality is that we got a good game, but not the game that was intended. Not the game that have been worked on for 6 to 5 years and development with A different design focus, different direction and priorities, different story and emphasis, that was a different cyberpunk game. A RPG game focused on the actual world/city with its inhabitants and your interaction with this world and these characters, a much more immersive approach with a better balance as indicative of the fundamentals that they learned and were successful with in the Witcher three. They were simply taking what was used and learned there and successful and building on that into this cyberpunk IP. That was the intended game, one focused on emotion with the world and interactions with its inhabitants and characters and social economy. This is factual based on information and receipts and culminating in a very long gameplay reveal.

    However leader ship eventually came to terms with the fact that their engine was not going to allow them to produce this game, not because they couldn’t, but simply because they had a contractual or shareholder deadline that demanded the game be released in 2020. The current progress of their intended cyberpunk RPG game, because of these engine limitations, would need a release window of somewhere between 2022 or 2023 maybe. And that was just not an option for leader ship and the company.
    So they consolidated. Leader ship made the decision that it was necessary to scrap and cut the intended project that they have been working on and developing with this design and direction… And cut that down to the bare bones. Remove the meat and the tendons and everything else and try to consolidate everything to fit this quickly approaching deadline. They had to get the game out by 2020. So if you view the intended cyberpunk RPG that was being worked on as a whole piece of pie, ultimately what they decided to do was take out a slice of that pie and focus on it. And that slice was a Johnny slice. They reframed and restructured and re-designed this character and the role that they had originally intended to focus on this Johnny story. This Johnny slice of the pie. This in turn makes the world a backdrop. The emphasis and structure and design becomes centered and is centered on Johnny as that is the entirety of the piece of pie that you are given. So you have the rest of the world as a presents but it’s just backdrop, because you weren’t given the whole pie Which is the entirety of the world/city/what was intended… You were just giving a small slice, Johnnys slice. But by doing this it gave them the ability to create a consolidated linear shorter focused game that has the right setting but just none of the connective tissue. None of the interaction or immersion, none of the meat. It’s a action adventure game. Not bad, there’s a lot of projection used in consumers minds to compensate for everything lacking, but in the original intended game none of this projecting would be needed. So that sucks to think about.

    But I say all that to say my issue from day one has never been with any of the bugs or glitches or unpolished or incomplete or broken etc. etc. etc., I never cared at all about any of that shit. I never expect a game to be perfect, granted That’s not to excuse those things as when you’re buying a complete product it should be complete… But that was never the issue for me. My issue was in recognizing what leader ship had done. How they had manipulated and lied instead of being upfront with me the consumer. Something they bragged on themselves about for years and with a pattern to show for it.
    But during all of those night city wire episodes, leadership never once said to the consumer ‘ by the way we apologize but because of our engine limitations and a upcoming deadline, we had to make changes and restructure our current development progress to create a different game. A more action adventure story game. It is unfortunate and not what we intended but we just want to be upfront with you the consumer so that you understand what you’re getting on day one from us’
    But they never said this. Obvious reason being that consumers would probably react to this in a negative way and it would hurt pre-orders and sales initially so they just let consumers keep their justified expectations of the progress and direction that had been discussed and shown and eventually revealed through those five or six years of development. Even though they knew that consumers would not be getting that game. That is my complete issue with this.

    Leader ship has never come clean about this reality that many of us know but many more of us remain ignorant about. And if they can sweep all this under the rug and just go on with it, then they’re completely cool with that. It’s the approach they’ve had so far and further positive feedback and resurgence of the game will only push this evidence and reality farther and further under the rug. Getting leader ship the belief that what they did was OK. That it all worked out in the end.

    I hate that, the thought of that.

    This Johnny action adventure game is good and I like it, it it does what it was designed to do, it’s not at all what was intended with the immersion and interaction of the world focus that the developers originally creating towards, but it’s still a slice. The developers went through hell developing this project and Morceau having the rug pulled out from under their feet in 2018 with leader ship made the decisions they made. I cannot imagine trying to for the majority restructure and redesign and create a completely different experience focused on a singular character in this world and then framing everything around that, especially when you consider all the development of what was already done and being worked towards before that.

    It’s like working on building a gigantic Lego death star, and you do this for 5 to 6 years. and you’re doing this for a company. It’s a massive undertaking and scale and everything. And then your boss come in and says that they need you to change it into a Play-Doh version and you need to focus solely I’m just a quarter section of the death star where are they intend to unveil this subsection to their investors. So you’ve got some framework there that you can use to put the Play-Doh on top of, but now you have this emphasis being placed on this singular section that you have to further elaborate on and create only using Play-Doh. I know that’s a very crude analogy but hopefully it makes sense.

    Developers went through hell with this project and deserve admiration and appreciation for what they were able to produce in the end. Because it’s still very good. But consumers should not be ignorant of everything that the developers went through especially in relation to what was intended, what they had spent a much longer time working towards that was done away with and is now unappreciated because it’s not there, and leaderships incredibly bad decision making and lying/manipulation in regards to what went down. If you want someone to do better, you have to hold them accountable. If they are not called out on the choices and decisions that they made and held accountable for that… And those mistakes are doomed to be repeated.

    Well another long rant and not trying to be a Debbie downer by any means. Developers deserve all the appreciation and acknowledgment coming their way and even more so for the hard work they put in that gets unappreciated because we don’t get to have it. I just wish the majority of consumers could let leader ship know that we know what they did both in relation to the developer workforce as well as the project itself. That it’s not swept under the rug. and that we intend to hold leader ship accountable going forward. But I know the majority is aware of all this, or just straight up doesn’t care about any of this. Consumers have become very jaded and complacent in this multibillion dollar industry in ways that they are not in real life. So it just is what it is. But felt like getting that off my chest. 👊

  4. I don't know what happened to this game until 3 days ago everything was perfect, graphics at the highest, rtx activated at the highest, and 4k resolution with dlss ultra performance and always at 60 fps, for 3 days the fps I They have fallen, it does not happen to me from 44 fps inside the city and outside to 54/55, has there been any update to cause this? i have a 10700k 3080 FE and 32gb ram

  5. Please use your influence and tell cdpr to release Witcher 3 next gen now. This news is proof enough for release now and patch later technique. Yes people will say bad things but people also forget and forgive quickly. Just look at cyberpunk recent popularity.

  6. Hey Meal, I just found something in the game that might pique your interest if you haven’t found it already: in an alleyway close to the Arroyo location for Beat on the Brat, David’s symbol is spray painted on the wall, and sitting next to that symbol is a BD wreath. When you put the wreath on it plays the opening fight between the Cyberpsycho and the NCPD that Edgerunners opens up with. It ends with a message: “This video is a warning. One David Martines ignored. Will you?”

    Just thought I’d share that so you can find it for yourself, in case you haven’t already. This could be hinting at a possible cyberpsychosis mechanic in a future update, and that might be worth making a video about

  7. Not really accurate to compare TW3 sales to CP77 imo.

    CP77 largely only sold as well as it did, as fast as it did, because of the brand recognition CDPR gained post-TW3.

    Prior to TW3 and even for a while after launch, CDPR were nobodies. The brand loyalty they acquired due to how well received TW3 was made it a given that CP77 would sell.

  8. I am definitely waiting for the next patch or Phantom liberty before I buy the game. The mods will also be more developed to give me the best Experience.

    It is really hard to avoid spoilers when you want to stay updated on all else going on in the game.

  9. FUN FACT: RDR2 as of last month had sold 45 million units.

    …Of course we can't compare the quality of RDR2 with Cyberpunk, they are two totally different games, but it's just to put them in context.

  10. To say it had a really bad launch and 2 years later still needs a bit more work in my opinion, it has still sold a shit tone of copy's which I good news , the city in cyber is amazing ,it is li,e you are running around a proper city , its just the main story is definitely chopped down , also I would love to see some random generated crime locations or something because once you done everything it's literally empty and no new game + is a bummer

  11. I wanted to wait till phantom liberty but i realised that now would be the best time to play the game for the first time. I am over hyoed and emotional because of edgerunners ( missed a good show in years to make me feel like that) and i just finished the exams at college and now i am stress free for a few months

  12. If enough people buy cyberpunk 2077, I actually think there could be a small chance we see a second smaller dlc after phantom liberty. A second cyberpunk won't be coming out probably until after 2030. DLC's have always been a favored method by business guys in gaming industry to make money off of products that have already launched. I think they will see how well Phantom Liberty sells, and if it sells really well, then a second dlc I think could be possible. No one will say no to more money


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