Cyberpunk 2077 Safe & Sound Bonus

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Safe & Sound – NCPD – Sergeant Dobs – Mr Puggins – Cyberpunk 2077 Kazuliski


37 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Safe & Sound Bonus”

  1. When you hear those lines where they are confused about animals (going back to Salmonela guy too), one can draw a conclusion that 2077th year is very dark. It's hitting close to our own reality – education system purposely going down the shitter to produce more obedient sheep for megacorpos, and government purposely isn't getting in the way of those same megacorpos, because if they die, the entire economy dies with them too.

  2. ngl that's exactly what my thoughts were as well when I was a kid. To this day I still don't know how pugs are considered "cute" by so many people. Not that I hate pugs i just genuinely doesn't see it.

  3. Well given that in this world people have to pay a tax for having pets it's probably not too far fetched that they never seen a pug. V even says something about how birds, dogs, and even rats are almost nonexistent in night city and funny enough v also says they thought cats were extinct despite seeing one before meeting vic the first time and owning one. This is during the bakaneko convention if anyone is going to ask

  4. I mean yeah it makes sense for us the players who have seen these animals and know what they mean and in tale like the cop being a pincher which are sometimes use as cop dogs and a pug well it ugly cute an works as dogifcation of someone who doesn't know anything


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