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Cyberpunk 2077 – RX 470 4GB – Ryzen 5 2600 – Low/Medium/High/Ultra
00:00 Low
02:19 Medium
06:57 High
09:07 Ultra
My Hardware:
Graphics Card: RX 470 4GB Asus ROG Strix
Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 2600
RAM: 2×8 GB DDR4 2400 MHz
SSD: 240 GB
HDD: 2x1TB
OS: Windows 10
Mainboard: MSI B450M-A Pro MAX
I have same gpu but an i5 6400 and 16 gb of ram, how much fps could I get?
This card still giving a fight. I was worried about the performance and the settings, but in medium still looking good.
dude this game isnt well optimized
4460, 8gb ram and 470. Currently using HDD. After I buy SSD will there be a significant increase in performance?
Yeah, but probabbly you are using like 6 cooler fans
Yowww nicee waiting for this one
Thanks, i have the same spec and the same fps.
I have the same card and it only gives me 20 fps maximum and 10 minimum
Thank you. Now I know that if I buy it, I can run it at least in 30fps low <3
Intel Core i5-4690 CPU 24520MB RAM Radeon RX 480 SSD
And I get 9fps average, any idea? thx
Fixed it, it was the wrong PCIe
Can i play Cyberpunk on low with i5-6500 and ryzen 470 8gb and how much i can play in day to hold this 30 fps
can you do rx470 with a ryzen 2200g?
Rx 470 the legend card because even on cyberpunk
ryzen 5 1600af(simar to 2600)+rx 470 8gb(mining version from xfx) and 8gb ram can i play it 40-50fps?(i m not sure,but i saw ur 4gb rx 470 at 3.9vram,mine has extra 4vram so i think if i calculate corectly i can?)
thanks dawg, I will wait a bit more for the game to be ironed out, but at least I got hope my pc can run it
Hi, what settings would you recommend for rx470 4gb with ryzen 5 3600, 16gb ram?
Отлично!! Очень информатиано!
Got a PC for content creation for 2000USD(i9900k, aorus z390 pro wifi, 16gb, 500ssd, benq ex2780q) and I had to stick with my friend`s rx470 😀 What a joke for this game.
Currently running as hackintosh 🙂
Im confused. It destroyed my card completly. I cant play anything now because cyberpunk broke it. How is it possible that you can run it ?
Playable on a $150 card. Suck it, no-stock $1000 msrp $2000 scalper price current generation!
Should be better on 8gb version I would think by a few fps
Damn, RX470 still putting up fight after 4 years. Really decent card tbh, I have one Strix RX470 8GB.
Running with water cooled from NZXT G12 + Thermaltake water 3.0 performer, still able to run most games like warzone at 1080p smoothly but cyberpunk is a lil bit of a stretch to be called playable of today's standard (60fps).
But I'm pretty sure the cyberpunk dev is still optimizing the game to make it use less resources. Similar to PUBG when it was introduce haha
Is your GPU on stock fan? If so, issa very good temp at only 60+/-c.
Your temp is not much more than my water-cooled RX470 OC here in Malaysia, inside room without AC. Hovering around 55c at max load benchmark.
Thanks, before i think my gpu is underpower to run this game but your test have same framerate with my frame rate. i have a spec like u
I don't know why I am getting 20-30 fps on low settings on my PC.
Ryzen 3600
16Gb ram 3200mhz
Rx 470
Gpu usage always stays on 100.
Please help me.
Can you please tell me the driver version of RX 470 you are using?
Ps4 pro has got the same gpu but only runs at less than 30 fps. Oh my…
Glad to see it's still holding up quite well with Cyberpunk. I still have a RX 470 in my PC, it was an excellent GPU. I got a lot out of it!
Bro can u tell me on what settings texture are set on.
Can you do in five m and fortnite
I still don't understand why I don't get fps like yours.
I am not getting playable fps even outside city in the desert. I barely get 25 fps maybe on ultra low with 1024-768 resolution. I have tried even AMD Fix and all known fixes and patched to 1.04 as well.
My specs
Ryzen 3600
16gb 3000Mhz Ram
RX 470 4GB
I have the same amount of Fps but the game feels laggy while shooting and stuff. Anyone knows why?
bro im have h61 motherboard
Does it fit with motherboard rx 470 video card 16gb ram ddr3 i5 3570 3.40ghz
what is the best cpu for this gpu one of intel
Can you do I5-4440+rx470 4gb?
i have intel core i7 8700k and rx470, but still cant get any higher than 30 fps on low setings. someone please tell me what can i do to get at least 45 fps PLSSSSSSS
Dude i have 8gb version RX 470 u lack half the fps on ultra. i record afterburner on fx 8320 oc. Still get better fps, cp77 v 1.11.
Only number of NPC affects perfomance, lol
for a budget what processor would u recommend for cyberpunk?