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Cyberpunk 2077 reviewed by Tom Marks on the PC version, now with new gameplay footage.
Due to CD Projekt Red’s pre-release restrictions, our original Cyberpunk 2077 review was unable to use any of our own captured gameplay footage. This review, while identical in content, uses custom footage that more closely represents the experience we had while playing.
Developer CD Projekt Red’s first game after The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is an RPG that throws you into the beautiful open-world map of Night City and offers a staggering amount of flexibility in how you choose to take it from there.
Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world, action-adventure story set in Night City, a megalopolis obsessed with power, glamour and body modification. You play as V, a mercenary outlaw going after a one-of-a-kind implant that is the key to immortality. You can customize your character’s cyberware, skillset and playstyle, and explore a vast city where the choices you make shape the story and the world around you. (Featuring Keanu Reeves as Johnny Silverhand)
#IGN #Cyberpunk2077
This second version of our Cyberpunk 2077 review is identical in content to the original, but uses our own gameplay footage that more closely represents the experience we had while playing instead of the trailers we were limited to by CD Projekt Red pre-release restrictions.
I'll get t when it gets price dropped to $3.99
Amazing so far for me
Didn't deserve the 9. Atleast not now.
If they had worked on it for 6 more months, or 12 more months, some bugs and glitches still would have escaped notice. They're going to be inherent in a game of this immense size.
this game is kinda meh.
I got the PC version and after 2-3 hours of play, I’ve had no crashes or major bugs. Keeping my fingers crossed because of living the game.
Let’s be honest if fallout and far cry had a kid this is it. Not all that impressed considering they’ve been working on it for so long now
There was really no complaint for the game apart from the game.. considering most bugs will be resolved in a couple of months, Doesnt this game get a 10?
Remember TW3 was not a perfect game at the start
Akudama Drive.
I play on Xbox one S and I do receive bugs but I haven’t been receiving bugs as much as you show and say. So far I have only had one bug that made me have to redo part of a mission but it wasn’t long so I was fine with it.
20 hours in and haven't seen the title screen. Did every single job I could find in Watson, have 24 street cred and 100k eddies and haven't seen Keanu yet
I hate the fact the reviewer keeps overemphasising words
How in the world the game get a nine? Just how. No matter how much fun you have or how immersive it may be, there is no way a game that is broken from head to toe should get a 9. Especially after having an 8 year head start. Now I am hype for the game and will play it but a 9 on a review makes no sense. This is misleading to the viewers that depend on your reviews when it comes to investing 60 dollars in a game.
I will say this game is not worth the wait
I love the concept of the game, but I just abhor first-person controls. I hope those that play it enjoy it, it looks great.
*A cd worth burning
I'm enjoying the game either way so it don't matter to me about Bugs. No game is perfect.
It has a little something for everyone.
i do not get it why to build this massive infrastructure and system for a 20 hour long single player campain….
This games a dumpster fire in performance right now. Best to hard pass on it till CDPR does some major patching to it. That or wait till next month when it's in the bargain bin.
What's up with bush and this dude
CD ProjektRED should include a free PS5 upgrade to all PS4 owners of the game. The game just does not work on PS4. I feel like I don’t want to carry on with it because it’s such a bad experience…
I hope it has a 3rd person view. I hate first person view games.
They didn't tell me my graphics card needed to be from 2077 as well…
The game is a broken, blurry/grainy, low resolution, buggy mess. Shame on them for hiding/striking/banning gameplay footage, so they could SCAM millions of people. Pathetic. Expected more from CDPR. It looks like they're just as bad if not worse than all the other slimy game companies.
Funny how in 2020 an old game like Vampire Bloodlines can be a more memorable gaming experience than this overhyped game. Bloodlines having way less resources, being even more linear, having outdated graphics but featuring actually charismatic characters, better roleplaying implementation, secondary tales to remember, interesting dialogs and a top notch atmosphere.
This also proves that graphics and technology aren't all in the videogame industry. No one cares in the long run if you can appreciate a single cane in the eyebrow of a character made with the best graphical engines ever, if the game is soulless and has no essence. That's Cyberpunk. Now enjoy what we get. Seems like the AAA industry fooled us again. Also with one of the most heavy marketing campaigns ever done.
After spending 40mins on creating my preferred character but unfortunately I cant see them while playing 😕, I felt cheated. Any1 else?
9 😂
Downplayed the bugs. Ouch
It FEELS like an RPG huh? Games feel like games?
Not sure if this is being said ironically at this point..either way it can stop
7:13 that exact thing happened to me, what a de ja vu!!
I havent had any game breaking bugs or crashes. Guess I'm lucky
Lol the game clearly needed more time in development but of the devs did it again ye would all overreact you did this yourselfs
4:38 "There are no character classes here"
But you get to choose between nomad, street kid, and corpo? Aren't those classes?
Why the re-reviews still giving a high score after people were heavily complaining the issues in the game??
Consoles are hell F* up! Hope they fix the performance graphics on both consoles on day 1 patch.
4.5/5 rating ❤️❤️❤️🔥
.5 reduce for there is no 3rd person player view 😭
Even before I clicked on the video I knew it was a 9, these reviewers are so damn afraid to just a game a 10 its always a 9 or 9.5 I swear
in conclusion, cyberpunk 2077 really makes you feel like a spider-man
CDPR got there feet back on the ground again. Never understood the insane hype for this company that only made 1 solid game.
Fansboys justifying this crap game are really pathetic
I thought this would be a open sandbox GTA type game…. I was disappointed when I started playing but it's been ok so far
"a bit stiff"… Have you seen a Keanu movie? That's why he's an American treasure.
Over-Hyped Shite
I too, love large bushes.
"reviewed on pc". Now do it on ps4. If you dare…
8 hours in now my rating would be 6 out of 10 so far i am so dissapointed.
Lady: does a tiktok routine
Johnny: Leave her alone, V.