Cyberpunk 2077 REVIEW in 2022!

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Today we will be reviewing Cyberpunk 2077 after more than 16 months being out. Lets look at the core functions of the game like graphics, gameplay, combat and much more.

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LastKnownMeal, 2021.


22 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 REVIEW in 2022!”

  1. Thank you so much for this review! I actually subscribe once I saw your previews of the 1.5 patch love all your cyberpunk content definitely continue to support your channel and of course cyberpunk all the way. 🙏😁👊🔥

  2. I have the game on multiple platforms and while yes its lacking in some areas. I love this game l. Got 500+ hours on the ps4 version in 2021 alone lol
    Bugs aside i have had a hell of a good time with this game

  3. No matter the patching, restored content and you name it, it's simply not the game that was marketed, not in terms of interactivity, not in terms of non linearity, not in terms of player agency, not in terms of combat, not in terms of quests, nowhere.

  4. I tried playing CP again after a year on my upgraded PC and the game world is depressing, combat sucks, the "rpg" elements are whack and the story and dialogue is annoyingly overdramatic it made uninstall the game.

  5. I cautiously skipped the launch because of too much hype around the game (even though I was pretty much very hyped myself) but I kept a close eye on it because I just love the setting around the world of Cyberpunk.
    Once patch 1.5 was released, that was the moment I decided to purshase the game and honesly wasn't disappointed at all, I've been playing the game for 2 months now and can't feel the urge to stop, I just love it and the amount of different ways you can play (pistols, riffles, melee, katanas, quickhacking … etc).
    The storyline and side quests are so good, even though the main story is too short and we don't interact as much as I want with so many characters.

    It's really a shame what happened with all the problems the game encountered at the start (thanks to corporate and marketing, which the world of Cyberpunk criticize a lot ironically) and I really hope they continue to support and add more stuff until we get a proper content expansion

  6. Here’s some unreasonable and reasonable changes I’d like to see with the life paths.

    Corpo: It’d be nice if V’s speech was more proper than the other lifepaths and had dialogue that had them more uppity and critical of street life. Unique jobs from corpos which include espionage and general spy themes. Harder to convince non Corpos to work with them. Ability to bribe NCPD and other NPCS. Extra buffs in Netrunning or Cool, starts with negative street cred.

    Nomad: Mech-Cattle riding and herding XD Whip and lasso weapons. Can upgrade their own vehicles. Again, unique dialogue or accent than the other V’s, some ma’ams and howdy’s. Higher risk of being arrested by NCPD and jobs that let V intervene between NCPD and Nomads. Extra buffs in crafting, neutral cred.

    Street kid: Starts with +5 street cred, full map filled out, familiar dialogue with all fixers and certain NPCS. Ability to charm or intimidate enemies out of combat. Higher risk for drive by combat with gangs. This V has a family? Harder to convince corpos to work with them. Can receive jobs from gangs. Extra buffs in hand to hand.

  7. still bit wierd you cant play after the main thing is over. Ofc u can go back for a old save, but is just a loop. U can play the last quest over and over again, but thats all. I love this game, more after the 1.5 patch, but still, this is the biggest fault they have, the finish.

  8. i really enjoy the game, think netrunner can be a little OP when you get to the right level, bugs yeah as you said nothing game breaker, would like to have more choices to the ends, driving is still bad, usually use a bike and thats it, some other bugs, a crazy NPC that is kind of stuck in a place, and appear and disapear really really fast. Something missing maybe get the chance to hang out with your friends in the game or the love interest, because, when that conversations come out that messange they feel kind of alive and thast cool, but it lacks that posibillity to that hang out kinf of GTA IV when you go bowling with Roman or Brucie

  9. I agree, i also need to add, aliasing is very bad in this game (hair especially, TAA is not working properly, another game with that problem i noticed is RDR2), also im still having bad performance from this game on GTX 1080 and Ryzen 7, enemies are bullet sponges which is a bad choice in game design, activities with V friends are none existent, i still dont find handling with cars good (better yes, but not good), side activities are with same pattern kill/hack/steal (and people were complaining about AC odyssey for the same issues, which is at least to me superior game). Yeah this is 10$ worth game, not a cent more, with W3, Fallout 3,4,NV, Outerworlds, Skyrim, GTA games SA, IV, V, Mass Effect trilogy we can get much more bang for the buck. This game is barely above average, on lvl of Andromeda, but better in some important things.

  10. NPC: says something about being an unknown/no experience…
    Me on first playthrough: ok, I'll come back later.
    Me on a later playthrough: I got level 50 and rep 50 how you gonna dis me like that???

  11. Honest and concise. Thanks man, good content. I've been chewing through your lore content too. I have been waiting to upgrade my console before buying the game and finally did, and it's been super fun. A little janky, and definitely more restrictive on the RP elements than I expected, but that's okay.


  12. Actually that NPCs spawning behind you in the race it's like "AI" drivers in many of popular racing games. It is called "rubberbanding". Maybe they could execute it better. But I didn't like how driving model was changed, if you want to push brake when going slow you're in reverse instantly. Beside that 1.5 imho is the game state which it should be shipped at launch. Gameplay wise much smoother, mechanics are more deliberate. I found myself playing again in my very slow and totally different 3rd playthrough. This game is huge.

  13. I still enjoy Cyberpunk 2077, even on PS4.

    I never had enough hundreds of Pound Sterlings to grab a PS5 to feel the greatest experience, so I am always a real peasant. There is NO chance to get a Next-Gen console for a cheaper price AT ALL thanks to the damned scalpers since November last year.


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