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Cyberpunk 2077 Restoration Porsche 911 Turbo Johnny Silverhand (Keanu Reeves) car
Do not talk about the lack of a sticker on the Samurai engine cover, since Johnny Silverhand will do it himself, I just restored the car for him))
Enjoy watching!
Thank you!
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#cyberpunkcar #GoodRestore #Restoration
Do not talk about the lack of a sticker on the Samurai engine cover, since Johnny Silverhand will do it himself, I just restored the car for him))
I actually learned something useful from this. When I am painting something and I need to keep part of it a different color I would use tape, but on bigger sections I would just use a lot more tape. It makes so much more sense to use a bag over it like you did.
so … why ruin the model instead of just modifying it right to the point?
Those next video thumbnails ruin 😤 the show. They fill all the screen ! Cant see anything! I:/
I can hear the voice of the Johnny Silver…wake up V….
Где надпись Самурай
Please wath is the soundtrack used in the video at the end, thank you 🙂
Love the felt added in the interior.
Wake the [bleep] up, Samurai. We have a city to burn.
Joder esto es el colmo… Primero envejeces objetos, para después dejarlos como nuevos o con otro aspecto. Y lo vendes como si fuese una restauración ¡que huevos mas gordos tienes!
Perdona, pero tú no restauras una mierda.
Cyber bunkbed 1967
Shut up and take my money
Mano nem um br
nothing to do with cyberpunk … TOTAL FAIL!!!
Could you list the car model brand, and spray paint brand and color?
The right sidemirror is missing bro
Where do you get those spare wheels?
hm hm hm
Mi pregunta es, de dónde sacan todos estos autos en esas condiciones?
Good job on destroying the car in the first place
Капец чел рофлит, купил новую модель, обмазал смывкой для краски и потом сидит "восстанавливает"😂😂
Dude just freq'n awesome really love the color selection great job!!!!
Понятно что это ресторация ради ресторации , просто я не поверю что такие классные и проработанные модели авто кто-то выбросил. Но смотреть на сие действо очень залипательно и модели выходят отменные.
good work but the game is still trash and scam
at least this doesn't bugs
"restoration" LOL!
LOOOLLLL une vieille carcasse de voiture qui semble avoir 20 ans alors que le jeu est sorti il y a 5 mois lol. Je crois surtout que c'est une vieille Porsche 911 classique customisée façon Cyberpunk
13:41 track name pls
2x speed
the carpeting was such a small detail to include but im really happy that you did it
Esses engenheiros da Ford ,faz de tudo ..☺️☺️☺️👍
where are the videos of you making these cars look abandoned?!
Awesome restoration.
2030: all petrol cars were banned and electric cars were born.
2077: Petrol Cars were back in action!
What’s the music called?
this stickers <3 where are they selling?
I’m powder coating my 914 project car’s suspension white so it will stand out and I can see what needs cleaning.
I trying to be this guy to fix my toy car but i dont have everything to make my toy car look original
Where in hell do you find all these things to restore.
Is it some waste site?
Awesome skills and knowledge.
Greetings. Tell us about these sets that you are restoring. is the model supplied like this? I'm from Russia and I'm just curious
Love your restoration projects. What type of white liquid did you use to removed the green paint?
Porshe 911 turbo jonny🚗🚘
thats an amazing way to completely restore an old car like that and i wonder what exactly is that car powerd by in the cyber punk game because that looks like it might have 250kv lithium battery engine that may run up to maybe 275 miles on a single charge
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