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Cyberpunk 2077 – Pyramid Song quest workaround for those that get killed randomly during the first part.
– Cyber Engine Tweak Mod :
– SimpleMenu Mod :
Lines to add in your [GameRootFolder]binx64pluginscyber_engine_tweaksmodssimplemenuconfigconfig.json :
“savedPositionX”: 1157.8771972656,
“savedPositionY”: -3422.3010253906,
“savedPositionZ”: 164.91680908203,
You might need to reboot your game if teleport doesn’t work.
Don't hesitate to tell me if that helped you and if you have any problem don't hesitate to ask in the comments I'll try to help
IT WORKED! omg I love you
You are a fucking lifesaver. Thanks a lot!