Cyberpunk 2077 – PS5 vs Xbox Series X Backwards Compatibility Frame Rate Test

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So, Cyberpunk 2077 is a mess on last gen consoles. But how does the game run on the PS5 and Xbox Series X?


28 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – PS5 vs Xbox Series X Backwards Compatibility Frame Rate Test”

  1. Am I the only one who experiences massive frame drops on PS5? Especially in the city where NPC’s are. I don’t understand how all these channels are saying it’s an almost always locked fps? My experience was that it was all over the place, felt super laggy when frames dropped and it was noticeable, even after the most recent update

  2. I'm glad to hear that the next-gen versions of cyberpunk 2077 are performing better. The game will probably run EVEN BETTER once we get the full update. It can't get here quick enough!🙏😱😁

  3. Hopefully the native gen versions fix these issues next year. For now I'm playing on PC at 30fps on a GTX1070 working great, no crashes after 20 hours or so.

  4. The series x is not more efficient on paper it has more power but only with tflops (marketing term that means very little) and cpu clock with smt off (which no one would do, with smt on its 3.6ghz). The ps5 is a much more efficient console than the series x.

  5. Yet another 3rd party game that "plays best" on ps5 vs the series X. I'll take a stable 60 vs having 2 modes. And the Xbox was supposed to be the frame rate king. Hope y'all enjoy your flip flops

  6. I just got series x and ps5 but i feel bad for ppl still using old gens. BECAUSE THEY GOT ROBBED by CD "PR" who fcking people up by charging them 65 bucks for "old gen versions" SCAMMER


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